Translation and adaptation of skin cancer genomic risk education materials for implementation in primary care. Academic Article uri icon



  • Genomic medicine has revolutionized disease risk identification and subsequent risk reduction interventions. Skin cancer risk genomic feedback is a promising vehicle to raise awareness and protective behaviors in the general population, including Hispanics who are largely unaware of their risks. Yet, personalized genomics currently has limited reach. This study is the initial phase of a randomized controlled trial investigating the personal utility and reach of genomic testing and feedback for melanoma. Semi-structured cognitive interviews (N = 28), stratified across education level, were conducted to assess the comprehension and acceptability of translated skin cancer genomic risk education materials with Spanish-speaking Hispanic primary care patients. Overall, materials were comprehensible and acceptable with 33 of 246 terms/concepts identified as difficult. Common problems included translation challenges (e.g., peeling from sunburn), ambiguous concepts (e.g., healthcare system), and problematic terms (e.g., risk version). Aiming to expand the reach of genomic medicine across subpopulations that may benefit from it, necessary modifications were made to education materials to improve comprehensibility, acceptability, and cultural relevance.

publication date

  • December 6, 2016


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC5222761

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85001655010

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1007/s12687-016-0287-z

PubMed ID

  • 27924449

Additional Document Info


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