Ventral hernia repair in patients with abdominal loss of domain: an observational study of one institution's experience. Academic Article uri icon



  • PURPOSE: Abdominal wall hernias are a common problem. The success of abdominal wall reconstruction decreases with increasing hernia size. This study summarizes the outcomes of one surgeon's experience using a "sandwich" technique for hernia repair in patients with loss of abdominal domain. METHODS: We reviewed our ventral hernia repair (VHR) experience from 2008 to 2015 among patients with loss of domain, as defined by a hernia defect greater than 300 cm2. The percent of herniation through the defect, defined by a hernia sac-to-abdominal cavity volume ratio, was measured on preoperative CT scans by four independent reviewers and averaged. Outcomes were compared among those with giant ventral hernias (hernia sac-to-abdominal cavity volume >30%) and those with smaller defect ratios. RESULTS: Over the study period, 21 patients underwent VHR. In 17 patients (81%), a "sandwich" technique was utilized. Ten patients had hernia sac-to-abdominal cavity defects less than 30%, and 11 had defects greater than 30%. Preoperative characteristics were similar in both groups with the exception of a higher ASA score in those with giant ventral hernias and more Ventral Hernia Working Group Grade 3 hernias in those without giant ventral hernias. Postoperative outcomes were similar in both groups. There were no mortalities. There were two recurrences (18%) in the giant VHR group and none in the smaller defect group (p = 0.16). Surgical site occurrences were noted in 48% of patients and did not differ between giant and non-giant VHR groups (50 vs 45%, p = 0.84). Average postoperative length of stay was significantly longer in the giant VHR group (31 vs. 17 days, p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the "sandwich" technique for VHR is a safe and durable method to restore abdominal wall integrity in those with LOD, even in patients with giant ventral hernias.

publication date

  • February 8, 2017



  • Abdominal Wall
  • Hernia, Ventral
  • Herniorrhaphy


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85011891336

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1007/s10029-017-1576-0

PubMed ID

  • 28181089

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