Ibotenic acid-induced lesions of striatal target and projection neurons: ultrastructural manifestations in dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic neurons and in glia. Academic Article uri icon



  • The cytological changes elicited by central microinjections of the excitotoxin, ibotenic acid (IBO) were examined in the adult rat striatonigral system using electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. The chemical markers included tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a biosynthetic enzyme in dopaminergic neurons, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Both short (1-7 day) and long (30-60 days) term effects were evaluated at the site of IBO-injections in the striatum and more distally in the substantia nigra, which both contributes afferents and receives efferents from the striatum. In the neostriatum at every survival period examined, TH-labeled axonal processes appeared equally numerous in the control and IBO-injected hemispheres. However, the TH-labeled axons in the striatum ipsilateral to the IBO-injection were slightly enlarged, and generally lacked synaptic densities. In the early period the remaining neuropil showed signs of edema and contained perikarya and dendrites with vacuolar or dense cytoplasm as well as intact, unlabeled terminals. Numerous astrocytes, and apparently demyelinated axons were more commonly seen at the 7 day period. At 30 and 60 days, bundles of myelinated axons, unlabeled axon terminals, and astrocytes containing a variety of cytosomes and other cytoplasmic inclusions were in close apposition to TH-labeled axon terminals. These results suggest that the dopaminergic terminals may serve neuromodulatory functions with respect to glia or other afferent axons remaining after IBO-injections in the striatum. In the substantia nigra, homolateral to the injection, a dense type of degeneration was seen in a few perikarya and dendrites at 7 days of survival. At this stage, electron dense anterograde degeneration also was seen in terminals contacting both TH-labeled and unlabeled dendrites. The secondary long term changes in nuclear groups located distal to the primary lesion are characteristic of certain types of progressive human neuropathological disorders.

publication date

  • July 1, 1987



  • Corpus Striatum
  • Dopamine
  • Ibotenic Acid
  • Neuroglia
  • Neurons
  • Neurotoxins


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0023222185

PubMed ID

  • 2908792

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