- BACKGROUND: Limited evidence suggests that women and men might be treated differently for peripheral arterial disease. This analysis evaluated sex-based differences in disease presentation and its effect on treatment modality among patients who underwent endovascular treatment for peripheral arterial disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using national registry data from the Vascular Quality Initiative between 2010 and 2013, we examined patient, limb, and artery characteristics by sex through descriptive statistics. We studied 26 750 procedures performed in 23 820 patients to treat 30 545 limbs and 44 804 arteries. Women presented at an older age (69 versus 67 years; P<0.001) and were less often current or former smokers (72% versus 85%; P<0.001). Transatlantic Inter-Society Consensus classification was similar among men and women (Transatlantic Inter-Society Consensus C or D: 37% in men versus 37% in women; P=0.81), as was mean occlusion length (4.5 cm in men versus 4.6 cm in women; P=0.04), even after accounting for lesion location. Women more frequently underwent treatment for rest pain (11% in men versus 16% in women; P<0.001) versus claudication (59% in men versus 53% in women; P<0.001) or tissue loss (28% in men versus 27% in women; P=0.75). Treatment modality did not differ by sex but was associated with disease severity (P for trend <0.001) and lesion location (P for trend <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Women undergo peripheral endovascular intervention for peripheral arterial disease at an older age with critical limb ischemia. Treatment modalities do not vary by sex but are determined by disease severity and site. Although there exist sex differences in presentation, these differences do not lead to differential treatment for women with peripheral arterial disease.