Author Correction: Repurposing large health insurance claims data to estimate genetic and environmental contributions in 560 phenotypes.
In the version of this article initially published, in Fig. 4b, the shared environmental variance (c2) values for all MaTCH functional domains except 'all traits' were erroneously estimated because of a coding error. Figure 4 has been revised to include corrected c2 estimates in the data in panel b as well as the number of phenotypes in CaTCH and MaTCH functional domains in the y axes of panels a and b; the Fig. 4 legend and the description of Fig. 4b in the Results section have also been revised to describe these changes. In addition, the erroneous term 'depravity index', appearing throughout the article's main text, Fig. 1, Supplementary Fig. 10 and the Supplementary Note, should have read 'deprivation index'. The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article. Images of the original figure are shown in the correction notice.