Accelerated mono- and biexponential 3D-T1ρ relaxation mapping of knee cartilage using golden angle radial acquisitions and compressed sensing.
Academic Article
PURPOSE: To use golden-angle radial sampling and compressed sensing (CS) for accelerating mono- and biexponential 3D spin-lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame (T1ρ ) mapping of knee cartilage. METHODS: Golden-angle radial stack-of-stars and Cartesian 3D-T1ρ -weighted knee cartilage datasets (n = 12) were retrospectively undersampled by acceleration factors (AFs) 2-10. CS-based reconstruction using 8 different sparsifying transforms were compared for mono- and biexponential T1ρ -mapping of knee cartilage, including spatio-temporal finite differences, wavelets, dictionary from principal component analysis, and exponential decay models, and also low rank and low rank plus sparse models (L+S). Complex-valued fitting was used and Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis filtering also tested. RESULTS: Most CS methods performed well for an AF of 2, with relative median normalized absolute deviation below 10% for monoexponential and biexponential mapping. For monoexponential mapping, radial sampling obtained a median normalized absolute deviation below 10% up to AF of 10, while Cartesian obtained this level of error only up to AF of 4. Radial sampling was also better with biexponential T1ρ mapping, with median normalized absolute deviation below 10% up to AF of 6. CONCLUSION: Golden-angle radial acquisitions combined with CS outperformed Cartesian acquisitions for 3D-T1ρ mapping of knee cartilage, being it is a good alternative to Cartesian sampling for reducing scan time and/or improving image and mapping quality. The methods exponential decay models, spatio-temporal finite differences, and low rank obtained the best results for radial sampling patterns.