Impact of intraoperative remifentanil on postoperative pain and opioid use in thyroid surgery.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Remifentanil infusion is used as an intraoperative anesthetic for thyroidectomy, but has been associated with acute opioid tolerance and hyperalgesia. A national shortage of remifentanil provided an opportunity to study postoperative pain in patients undergoing thyroidectomy. METHODS: Retrospective review of prospectively collected data from an outpatient surgery center. Primary analysis compared patients treated before and after remifentanil shortage. RESULTS: Median postoperative opioid consumption was 20 morphine milligram equivalents (MMEs) among those treated in the high-dose period and 15 MMEs in the low-dose period. Remifentanil/weight received was a significant predictor of requiring a postoperative narcotic (Pā=ā.006). Total non-remifentanil narcotics administered were equivalent but patients in the low dose period received higher amounts of intraoperative long-acting narcotics. CONCLUSIONS: Remifentanil infusion for thyroid surgery is associated with higher postoperative pain and postoperative narcotics requirement. While a hyperalgesia state is possible, shifting of longer-acting narcotics from intraoperative to postoperatively is also supported.