Interval Return to Play Programs for the Tennis Athlete. Review uri icon



  • PURPOSE OF REVIEW: General guidelines exist for return to sport after injury. The goal of these guidelines is to outline phases of recovery that will minimize the risk of reinjury and promote an optimal return to function for the athlete. This paper analyzes the current research pertaining to interval return to play programs with a special focus on the tennis athlete. The authors examine the different components of an interval tennis program and work to develop what they feel are the necessary elements of the optimal return to sport guidelines for tennis athletes. These criteria are based on the available literature, research, and preliminary data collection as well as the personal experiences and clinical observations of the authors. RECENT FINDINGS: Interval sports programs are typically designed to guide the athlete back to competition after an injury. The current research reveals the obstacles present in implementing an appropriate interval sports program including a lack of consensus on which criteria is actually necessary and relevant. Limited research is present for interval tennis programs. Return to sport competition and sports science is continuously evolving. The authors highlight the necessary components in rehabilitation and performance principles for establishing a comprehensive interval tennis program. In addition, the role of technology in sports rehabilitation is assessed as it pertains to return to play. The authors proposed that interval sports program can help guide and direct future clinicians in their rehabilitation of the tennis athlete.

publication date

  • February 3, 2021


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC7990973

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85100335957

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1007/s12178-021-09701-y

PubMed ID

  • 33532974

Additional Document Info


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