Primary Mediastinal and Testicular Germ Cell Tumors in Adolescents and Adults: A Comparison of Genomic Alterations and Clinical Implications. Review uri icon



  • Mediastinal germ cell tumors (MGCTs) share histologic, molecular and biomarkers features with testicular GCTs; however, nonseminomatous MGCTs are usually more aggressive and have poorer prognosis than nonseminomatous TGCTs. Most nonseminomatous MGCT cases show early resistance to platinum-based therapies and seldom have been associated with the onset of one or more concomitant somatic malignancies, in particular myeloid neoplasms with recent findings supporting a common, shared genetic precursor with the primary MGCT. Genomic, transcriptomic and epigenetic features of testicular GCTs have been extensively studied, allowing for the understanding of GCT development and transformation of seminomatous and nonseminomatous histologies. However, MGCTs are still lacking proper multi-omics analysis and only few data are reported in the literature. Understanding of the mechanism involved in the development, in the progression and in their higher resistance to common therapies is still poorly understood. With this review, we aim to collect all molecular findings reported in this rare disease, resuming the similarities and disparities with the gonadal counterparts.

publication date

  • October 18, 2021


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC8533956

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85117103898

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.3390/cancers13205223

PubMed ID

  • 34680371

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