Assessing Elimination of Mouse Kidney Parvovirus from Cages by Mechanical Washing. Academic Article uri icon



  • Mouse kidney parvovirus (MKPV), a newly identified parvovirus of the genus Chaphamaparvovirus, causes inclusion body nephropathy in severely immunocompromised mice and is prevalent in research mouse colonies. As nonenveloped viruses, mammalian parvoviruses are stable and generally resist thermal inactivation; however, as a novel and highly divergent parvovirus, the thermal stability of MKPV is undefined. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of cage sanitization in a mechanical washer to eliminate MKPV. Cages contaminated by MKPV-infected mice were assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: 1) control (bedding change only); 2) sanitization in a tunnel washer (88°C final rinse for 20 s); or 3) sanitization in a tunnel washer followed by autoclave sterilization (121 °C for 20 min). The presence of MKPV on the cage's interior surface was assessed by PCR of cage swab extracts collected before and after cage treatment. After treatment and swabbing, each cage housed 4 MKPV-negative CD1 mice. Each group of naive CD1 mice was assigned to one of the treatment groups and was housed in a cage from this group for two, 1 wk periods. At 12, 17, and 20 wk after the first exposure, renal tissue was collected from 1 test mouse per cage and assessed for MKPV by PCR. MKPV was detected by PCR on the surface of 63% of the pretreatment cages. All cages sanitized in a tunnel washer with or without sterilization were PCR negative after treatment. Seven of 10 mice housed in untreated cages contained a mouse positive for MKPV by 20 wk after exposure. None of the mice housed in cages sanitized in a tunnel washer with or without sterilization tested positive for MKPV at any time point. This study indicates that MKPV contaminated caging can result in MKPV infection of mice, and the use of a tunnel washer at the temperature and duration evaluated was sufficient to remove MKPV nucleic acid and prevent MKPV transmission.

publication date

  • December 17, 2021



  • Parvoviridae Infections
  • Parvovirus


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC8786376

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85123878061

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.30802/AALAS-JAALAS-21-000096

PubMed ID

  • 34920766

Additional Document Info


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