Clinical Outcomes in Vitrectomized versus Non-vitrectomized Eyes in Patients with Primary Vitreoretinal Lymphoma. Academic Article uri icon



  • AIM: To evaluate if there is a difference in the clinical course of primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL) in vitrectomized versus non-vitrectomized eyes. METHODS: Observational multicenter retrospective case series of patients diagnosed with PVRL between 2007 and 2019, at three tertiary centers. The main outcomes were relapse rates, inflammatory parameters, and best-corrected visual acuities (BCVA). Statistical methods used were an adjusted generalized estimating equation model, and a proportional Cox model. RESULTS: Eighty patients (150 eyes) were followed for a median of 1.7 years. At presentation, there were no clinical differences between the groups. The relapse rate was 0.091/eye-year (EY) for vitrectomized eyes and 0.087/EY for non-vitrectomized eyes (p = .35). Vitrectomized eyes had better BCVA than non-vitrectomized eyes (p < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Vitrectomy had no effect on the relapse rate in eyes with PVRL. However, the decrease in vitreous cell and debris led to vitrectomized eyes having better visual acuity than non-vitrectomized eyes.

publication date

  • February 24, 2022



  • Lymphoma
  • Macular Edema
  • Retinal Neoplasms


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC10392775

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85125941827

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1080/09273948.2022.2033794

PubMed ID

  • 35201943

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