Measuring Membrane Penetration Depths and Conformational Changes in Membrane Peptides and Proteins. Review uri icon



  • The structural organization and dynamic nature of the biomembrane components are important determinants for numerous cellular functions. Particularly, membrane proteins are critically important for various physiological functions and are important drug targets. The mechanistic insights on the complex functionality of membrane lipids and proteins can be elucidated by understanding the interplay between structure and dynamics. In this regard, membrane penetration depth represents an important parameter to obtain the precise depth of membrane-embedded molecules that often define the conformation and topology of membrane probes and proteins. In this review, we discuss about the widely used fluorescence quenching-based methods (parallax method, distribution analysis, and dual-quencher analysis) to accurately determine the membrane penetration depths of fluorescent probes that are either membrane-embedded or attached to lipids and proteins. Further, we also discuss a relatively novel fluorescence quenching method that utilizes tryptophan residue as the quencher, namely the tryptophan-induced quenching, which is sensitive to monitor small-scale conformational changes (short distances of < 15 Å) and useful in mapping distances in proteins. We have provided numerous examples for the benefit of readers to appreciate the importance and applicability of these simple yet powerful methods to study membrane proteins.

publication date

  • March 10, 2022



  • Fluorescent Dyes
  • Tryptophan


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85126019025

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1007/s00232-022-00224-2

PubMed ID

  • 35274157

Additional Document Info


  • 255


  • 4-5