- B0 inhomogeneity leads to imaging artifacts in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in particular dark band artifacts with steady-state free precession pulse sequences. The limited spatial resolution of MR-derived in vivo B0 maps and the lack of population data prevent systematic analysis of the problem at hand and the development of optimized B0 shim strategies. We used readily available clinical computed tomography (CT) images to simulate the B0 conditions in the human heart at high spatial resolution. Calculated B0 fields showed consistency with MRI-based B0 measurements. The B0 maps for both the simulations and in vivo measurements showed local field inhomogeneities in the vicinity of lung tips with dominant Z3 spherical harmonic terms in the field distribution. The presented simulation approach allows for the derivation of B0 field conditions at high spatial resolution from CT images and enables the development of subject- and population-specific B0 shim strategies for the human heart.