- Hispanic/Latino youth are less physically active than non-Hispanic/Latino youth. We assessed whether activity-specific parenting practices relate to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary behavior among Hispanic/Latino youth, and whether cultural (acculturation) and neighborhood characteristics (perceived barriers to activity) relate to the use of parenting practice patterns. Using the Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth, n = 976 8-16-year-olds), we modeled linear regression associations between parenting practices and mean daily MVPA and sedentary behavior. Parenting practice patterns were then developed using k-means cluster analysis, and regressed on parental acculturation and neighborhood characteristics. Discipline predicted higher MVPA in females (β 1.89 [95% CI 0.11-3.67]), while Monitoring/Reinforcement predicted higher MVPA in males (β 4.71 [95% CI 0.68-8.74]). Three patterns were then identified: Negative Reinforcement (high Limit Setting and Discipline use), Positive Reinforcement (high Limit Setting and Monitoring/Reinforcement use), and Permissive Parenting (low parenting practice use). Higher acculturation predicted use of Positive Reinforcement. Activity-specific parenting practices are associated with activity in sex-specific ways among Hispanic/Latino youth, and cultural factors predict the use of parenting practices.