Prolonging the life of people with metastatic breast cancer in routine clinical practice by adding palbociclib to an aromatase inhibitor from a real-world database analysis: a plain language summary.
WHAT IS THIS SUMMARY ABOUT?: This is a summary of an article about a study called "P-REALITY X" that was published in the medical journal npj Breast Cancer in October 2022. "P-REALITY X" stands for Palbociclib REAl-world first-LIne comparaTive effectiveness studY eXtended. This study used information from a database to look at whether adding a second treatment (palbociclib) to an aromatase inhibitor (AI) helped people with a certain type of breast cancer to live longer. The type of breast cancer is metastatic hormone receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor-negative breast cancer, also called HR-positive (or HR+)/HER2-negative (or HER2-) breast cancer. The study used information from the Flatiron Database. This database contains unidentified health care information collected from people seen by doctors in the USA. Only data from people who did not participate in a clinical trial were used. When people are treated outside of a clinical trial, this is called the real-world setting, or routine clinical practice. In clinical trials, people lived longer without their disease worsening if they were treated with palbociclib plus an AI versus being treated with an AI only. Based on the results of clinical trials, treatment with palbociclib plus an AI is already approved and recommended for people with HR+/HER2- breast cancer. This study looked at whether people lived longer if they were treated with palbociclib plus an AI versus being treated with an AI only in routine clinical practice as well. WHAT WERE THE RESULTS?: This study showed that, in routine clinical practice, people treated with the medicine palbociclib plus an AI lived longer than people treated with only an AI. WHAT DO THE RESULTS MEAN?: These results support the continued use of palbociclib plus an AI as the standard first medicine to be given to people with metastatic HR+/HER2- breast cancer. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT05361655 (