Defining the Roles and Responsibilities for the Vice Chair for Academic Affairs/Faculty Development in Radiology.
Academic Article
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To inform the development of a job description for Vice-Chairs for academic affairs (VCAA), members of the Alliance of Leaders in Academic Affairs in Radiology (ALAAR) were surveyed to better understand their current job responsibilities and how they would ideally allocate their professional time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on a survey of 33 university-affiliated radiology departments and discussion among ALAAR members, the authors developed a detailed job description for the VCAA. The 21-question survey was composed and validated by experts in the field. It was distributed to all members of ALAAR via email with an electronic link and was open for 5 months. Results of the survey were tabulated, and a job description was crafted to represent the foundational roles of academic affairs leaders in radiology. RESULTS: The response rate for institutions represented in ALAAR was 73% (33/45). All participants reported that they practiced in a university-affiliated institution. Faculty size varied from ≤49 (30.3%, 10/33), 50-99 faculty (24.2%, 8/33), and ≥100 faculty members (45.5%, 15/33). Only 24% of survey respondents had a detailed job description at the time of hire. More than 40% attested to significant oversight over faculty development programs (45%), mentorship programs (42%, and promotions (45%). Respondents ideally want increased oversight (defined as >10%) over exit interviews, faculty awards, promotions, onboarding, recruitment and hiring, and wellness programming. CONCLUSION: The aspirational mission of the VCAA is to oversee components of sequential stages in the professional lifecycle of faculty members but a common job description for this role is lacking.