Breastfeeding and pumping as maladaptive weight control behaviors. Academic Article uri icon



  • It is well recognized by the general public that breastfeeding expends calories. In our clinical practice, a number of postpartum women with a history of or a current eating disorder (ED) report using breastfeeding and/or pumping breast milk to influence their body shape and weight. This appears to be either a form of weight control behavior or, in some cases, a compensation for perceived overeating or binge eating. Breastfeeding and pumping have not generally been identified as maladaptive weight control behaviors, nor have they been a subject of research to date. We suggest that this practice should be investigated to determine how common it is, its potential role in maintaining EDs or contributing to relapse in the postpartum period, and to better understand other potential harms it may cause to both the mother and infant/child. PUBLIC SIGNIFICANCE: Breastfeeding and pumping may be used as maladaptive methods of weight control by women with EDs. This behavior is under-recognized in clinical practice and has received little research attention. We argue that maladaptive breastfeeding and pumping warrant further investigation, as the behaviors may play an important role in maintaining an ED or in contributing to relapse during the postpartum period and may also indirectly harm the infant/child.

publication date

  • June 1, 2023



  • Breast Feeding
  • Mothers


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85161366134

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1002/eat.24006

PubMed ID

  • 37260319

Additional Document Info


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