Rapid Critical Care Training for Nurses Deployed to Intensive Care Units During the COVID-19 Surge.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: During the first COVID-19 pandemic wave, non-intensive care unit (non-ICU) nurses were deployed to temporary ICUs to provide critical care for the patient surge. A rapid critical care training program was designed to prepare them to care for patients in either temporary or permanent ICUs. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of this training program in preparing non-ICU nurses to provide critical care for COVID-19 patients in temporary ICUs. METHODS: A survey was used to evaluate the impact of rapid critical care training on nurses' critical care skills and compare the experiences of nurses deployed to temporary versus permanent ICUs. Data were analyzed with χ2 and Spearman ρ tests with α = .05. RESULTS: Compared with nurses in other locations, nurses deployed to temporary ICUs were less likely to report improved capability in managing mechanical ventilation; infusions of sedative, vasoactive, and paralytic agents; and continuous renal replacement therapy. Nurses in temporary ICUs also reported being less prepared to care for critically ill patients (all P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: The rapid training program provided basic critical care knowledge for nurses in temporary ICUs, but experiences differed significantly between those deployed to temporary versus permanent ICUs. Although participants believed they provided safe care, nurses with no critical care experience cannot be expected to learn comprehensive critical care from expedited instruction; more formal clinical support is needed for nurses in temporary ICUs. Rapid critical care training can meet emergency needs for nurses capable of providing critical care.