EMPOWER: A Multi-Site Pilot Trial to Reduce Distress in Surrogate Decision-Makers in the ICU. Academic Article uri icon



  • CONTEXT: Efforts to reduce the psychological distress of surrogate decision-makers of critically ill patients have had limited success, and some have even exacerbated distress. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of EMPOWER (Enhancing and Mobilizing the POtential for Wellness and Resilience), an ultra-brief (∼2-hour), 6-module manualized psychological intervention for surrogates. METHODS: Surrogates who reported significant anxiety and/or an emotionally close relationship with the patient (n=60) were randomized to receive EMPOWER or enhanced usual care (EUC) at one of three metropolitan hospitals. Participants completed an assessment of EMPOWER's acceptability, measures of psychological distress pre-intervention, immediately post-intervention, and at 1- and 3-month follow-up assessments. RESULTS: Delivery of EMPOWER appeared feasible, with 89% of participants completing all 6 modules, and acceptable, with high ratings of satisfaction (mean=4.5/5, SD=0.90). Compared to EUC, intent-to-treat analyses showed EMPOWER was superior at reducing peritraumatic distress (Cohen's d=-0.21, small effect) immediately post-intervention and grief intensity (d=-0.70, medium-large effect), posttraumatic stress (d=-0.74, medium-large effect), experiential avoidance (d=-0.46, medium effect), and depression (d=-0.34, small effect) 3 months post-intervention. Surrogate satisfaction with overall critical care (d=0.27, small effect) was higher among surrogates randomized to EMPOWER. CONCLUSIONS: EMPOWER appeared feasible and acceptable, increased surrogates' satisfaction with critical care, and prevented escalation of posttraumatic stress, grief, and depression 3 months later.

publication date

  • March 11, 2024



  • Intensive Care Units


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2024.03.002

PubMed ID

  • 38479536