Patterns in the Reporting of Aggressive Histologic Subtypes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer. Academic Article uri icon



  • INTRODUCTION: The tall cell, columnar, and diffuse sclerosing subtypes are aggressive histologic subtypes of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) with increasing incidence, yet there is a wide variation in reporting. We aimed to identify and compare factors associated with the reporting of these aggressive subtypes (aPTC) to classic PTC (cPTC) and secondarily identify differences in outcomes. METHODS: The National Cancer Database was utilized to identify cPTC and aPTC from 2004 to 2017. Patient and facility demographics and clinicopathologic variables were analyzed. Independent predictors of aPTC reporting were identified and a survival analysis was performed. RESULTS: The majority of aPTC (67%) were reported by academic facilities. Compared to academic facilities, all other facility types were 1.4-2.0 times less likely to report aPTC (P < 0.05). Regional variation in reporting was noted, with more cases reported in the Middle Atlantic, despite there being more total facilities in the South Atlantic and East North Central regions. Compared to the Middle Atlantic, all other regions were 1.4-5 times less likely to report aPTC (P < 0.001). Patient characteristics including race and income were not associated with aPTC reporting. Compared to cPTC, aPTC had higher rates of aggressive features and worse 5-y overall survival (90.5% versus 94.5%, log rank P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Aggressive subtypes of PTC are associated with worse outcomes. Academic and other facilities in the Middle Atlantic were more likely to report aPTC. This suggests the need for further evaluation of environmental or geographic factors versus a need for increased awareness and more accurate diagnosis of these subtypes.

publication date

  • April 23, 2024



  • Thyroid Cancer, Papillary
  • Thyroid Neoplasms


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85190998317

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1016/j.jss.2024.03.023

PubMed ID

  • 38657351

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