Comparison of three machine learning algorithms for classification of B-cell neoplasms using clinical flow cytometry data. Academic Article uri icon



  • Multiparameter flow cytometry data is visually inspected by expert personnel as part of standard clinical disease diagnosis practice. This is a demanding and costly process, and recent research has demonstrated that it is possible to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to assist in the interpretive process. Here we report our examination of three previously published machine learning methods for classification of flow cytometry data and apply these to a B-cell neoplasm dataset to obtain predicted disease subtypes. Each of the examined methods classifies samples according to specific disease categories using ungated flow cytometry data. We compare and contrast the three algorithms with respect to their architectures, and we report the multiclass classification accuracies and relative required computation times. Despite different architectures, two of the methods, flowCat and EnsembleCNN, had similarly good accuracies with relatively fast computational times. We note a speed advantage for EnsembleCNN, particularly in the case of addition of training data and retraining of the classifier.

publication date

  • May 9, 2024



  • Algorithms
  • Flow Cytometry
  • Machine Learning


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1002/cyto.b.22177

PubMed ID

  • 38721890