Outcomes After Heartmate 3 Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation Using a 10 mm Outflow Graft. Academic Article uri icon



  • The presence of adhesions and patent bypass grafts may create challenges for standard 14 mm outflow graft placement during left ventricular assist device implantation. We retrospectively describe our experience using a 10 mm Bioline Fusion graft (Getinge, Goteborg, Sweden) as the outflow graft in patients undergoing primary Heartmate 3 (Abbott, Abbott Park, IL) implantation. One hundred one patients underwent Heartmate 3 left ventricular assist device implantation, 80% via a thoracotomy approach, with the standard 14 mm outflow graft (78) or a 10 mm Bioline Fusion outflow graft (23). Initial postoperative rotor speed-to-flow ratio (the revolutions per minutes (RPMs) required to achieve a given flow) was significantly higher in 10 mm graft patients (1,472 vs. 1,283 RPM/L/min; p = 0.03), suggesting elevated resistance in the smaller graft. Furthermore, the initial postoperative vasoactive-inotrope score was higher in the 10 mm graft patients (24.1 vs. 17.6; p = 0.022). Postoperative outcomes were similar between groups. In conclusion, the use of a 10 mm graft was associated with higher RPMs needed to generate a given flow and a higher vasoactive-inotrope score, but these differences were not associated with increased right ventricular failure or mortality.

publication date

  • June 17, 2024



  • Heart-Assist Devices


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1097/MAT.0000000000002249

PubMed ID

  • 38875452