Utility of C4d Immunohistochemistry in the Diagnosis of Esophageal Pemphigus Vulgaris.
Academic Article
Aims. To assess the utility of C4d immunohistochemistry for esophageal pemphigus vulgaris. Methods and results. We searched for patients with a history of esophageal pemphigus vulgaris who had esophageal biopsies for routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. A total of 8 biopsies from 7 patients were available. We also identified 18 non-pemphigus esophageal biopsies for controls. C4d immunohistochemistry was performed on each biopsy. Five of 6 (83%) biopsies with classic pemphigus vulgaris histologic findings were positive for intercellular staining at the basal layer. The negative biopsy was in a patient that had recently received high-dose corticosteroid treatment for a flare. Two biopsies with atypical histologic features for pemphigus vulgaris had negative C4d staining but positive direct immunofluorescence (DIF) studies. Various nonspecific C4d staining patterns were observed in the controls, but none showed the intercellular staining pattern that was observed in pemphigus vulgaris. Conclusions. Suprabasal clefting with acantholysis and "tombstone effect" are described histologic features of pemphigus vulgaris on H&E. However, procedural artifact may mimic these findings. Currently, the gold standard for pemphigus vulgaris is DIF, which is not always available because it cannot routinely be performed on formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue. Our study shows that C4d immunohistochemistry may be a useful adjunct in evaluating esophageal pemphigus vulgaris.