Src kinase slows collective rotation of confined epithelial cell monolayers. Academic Article uri icon



  • Collective cell migration is key during development, wound healing, and metastasis and relies on coordinated cell behaviors at the group level. Src kinase is a key signalling protein for the physiological functions of epithelia, as it regulates many cellular processes, including adhesion, motility, and mechanotransduction. Its overactivation is associated with cancer aggressiveness. Here, we take advantage of optogenetics to precisely control Src activation in time and show that its pathological-like activation slows the collective rotation of epithelial cells confined into circular adhesive patches. We interpret velocity, force, and stress data during period of non-activation and period of activation of Src thanks to a hydrodynamic description of the cell assembly as a polar active fluid. Src activation leads to a 2-fold decrease in the ratio of polar angle to friction, which could result from increased adhesiveness at the cell-substrate interface. Measuring internal stress allows us to show that active stresses are subdominant compared to traction forces. Our work reveals the importance of fine-tuning the level of Src activity for coordinated collective behaviors.

publication date

  • November 27, 2024



  • Epithelial Cells
  • src-Family Kinases


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85209669464

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1039/d4sm00827h

PubMed ID

  • 39545852

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