Bereaved family quality of life varies with comorbid psychological distress and ICU-care quality. Academic Article uri icon



  • CONTEXT: Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is highly endorsed, but HRQOL studies scarcely investigate the following: ICU family members; modifiable end-of-life (EOL) ICU-care factors; conjoint associations with prolonged grief disorder (PGD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression; and long-term bereavement outcomes. OBJECTIVE: Exploratorily investigate associations of PGD-PTSD-depressive-symptom states (resilient, subthreshold-depression dominant, PGD dominant, and PGD-PTSD-depression comorbid) and quality of EOL ICU care with families' HRQOL 6-24 months post loss. METHODS: This cohort study examined symptoms of PGD (11 items of the PG-13), PTSD (Impact of Event Scale-Revised), and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), and HRQOL (Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey) among 303 ICU family members. Quality of EOL ICU care was measured by objective process-based care-quality indicators abstracted from medical records and classified by subjective family-assessed quality of patient dying and death (QODD). Associations were simultaneously examined by multivariate hierarchical linear modeling with resilient state and high QODD class as reference. RESULTS: Physical and mental HRQOL were worse in the three more distressed symptom states, especially mental HRQOL which showed an incremental dose-response effect: subthreshold depression-dominant (β [95% CI]=-2.419 [-3.374, -1.464]), PGD-dominant (-8.366 [-10.116, -6.616]), and PGD-PTSD-depression comorbid (-14.736 [-17.772, -11.700]) states. Mental HRQOL was significantly worse in the three poorer QODD classes: moderate (-1.085 [-2.138, -0.032]), poor to uncertain (-4.362 [-5.616, -3.108]), and worst (-3.239 [-4.433, -2.045]). HRQOL was not associated with objective care-quality indicators. CONCLUSION: Bereaved family members' HRQOL was significantly associated with PGD-PTSD-depressive-symptom states and QODD classes-both modifiable through high-quality EOL ICU care.

publication date

  • December 6, 2024



  • Depression
  • Family
  • Intensive Care Units
  • Quality of Life


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2024.11.023

PubMed ID

  • 39647607