Herpes Simplex Oncolytic Viral Therapy for Malignant Glioma and Mechanisms of Delivery. Review uri icon



  • The authors present a comprehensive review on the history and development of oncolytic herpes simplex viral therapies for malignant glioma with a focus on mechanisms of delivery in prior and ongoing clinical trials. This review highlights the advancements made with regard to delivering these therapies to a highly complex immunologic environment in the setting of the blood brain and blood tumor barrier in a safe and effective manner.

publication date

  • December 20, 2024



  • Brain Neoplasms
  • Glioma
  • Oncolytic Virotherapy


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.123595

PubMed ID

  • 39710201