Multi-institutional development and testing of attention-enhanced deep learning segmentation of thyroid nodules on ultrasound. Academic Article uri icon



  • PURPOSE: Thyroid nodules are common, and ultrasound-based risk stratification using ACR's TIRADS classification is a key step in predicting nodule pathology. Determining thyroid nodule contours is necessary for the calculation of TIRADS scores and can also be used in the development of machine learning nodule diagnosis systems. This paper presents the development, validation, and multi-institutional independent testing of a machine learning system for the automatic segmentation of thyroid nodules on ultrasound. METHODS: The datasets, containing a total of 1595 thyroid ultrasound images from 520 patients with thyroid nodules, were retrospectively collected under IRB approval from University of Chicago Medicine (UCM) and Weill Cornell Medical Center (WCMC). Nodules were manually contoured by a team of UCM and WCMC physicians for ground truth. An AttU-Net, a U-Net architecture with additional attention weighting functions, was trained for the segmentations. The algorithm was validated through fivefold cross-validation by nodule and was tested on two independent test sets: one from UCM and one from WCMC. Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and percent Hausdorff distance (%HD), Hausdorff distance reported as a percent of the nodule's effective diameter, served as the performance metrics. RESULTS: Δ CONCLUSIONS: This work presents a robust automatic thyroid nodule segmentation algorithm that could be implemented for risk stratification systems. Future work is merited to incorporate this segmentation method within an automatic thyroid classification system.

publication date

  • January 3, 2025



  • Deep Learning
  • Thyroid Nodule
  • Ultrasonography


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1007/s11548-024-03294-w

PubMed ID

  • 39751996