Management of an Aorto-Hepatic Artery Conduit Pseudoaneurysm and Stricture in a Patient After a Liver Transplant.
Aorto-hepatic artery conduits (AHC) are created in patients with unsuitable native hepatic arteries after a liver transplant, usually from donor internal iliac arteries. There is scarce literature describing the management of vascular complications, such as pseudoaneurysms (PSAs) and strictures, in a tenuous AHC. We present the case of a 37-year-old female liver transplant recipient who was found to have an expanding AHC PSA and anastomotic stricture. Using interventional radiology equipment, we restored the flow to the patient's liver graft while managing an intra-procedural rupture of the PSA. A working knowledge of the equipment used by interventional cardiologists in the interventional radiology suite can prove invaluable for managing complex arterial interventions in patients with liver transplants.