A transferrin-mediated uptake of gallium-67 by EMT-6 sarcoma. II. Studies in vivo (BALB/c mice): concise communication.
Academic Article
The EMT-6 sarcoma-like tumor of BALB/c mice can be grown as a solid subcutaneous transplantable tumor in vivo or as a monolayer culture in vitro. We have studied the uptake of gallium-67 by this tumor growing subcutaneously on the backs of 6-week-old BALB/c mice. After i.v. administration of Ga-67 citrate, tumor uptakes were as high as any others reported for mouse tumors. Also, for unknown reasons, there was appreciable reduction in tumor uptake with increasing amounts of Ga-67 citrate, even in the microcurie range. Furthermore, when mouse serum is prelabeled with Ga-67 and then injected, the EMT-6 uptake is greater than with Ga-67 administered as citrate (p less than 0.02). We believe that the finding of avid Ga-67 uptake in vivo helps to establish this unique in vivo/in vitro tumor system as a valid experimental model for studies regarding the mechanism of Ga-67 accumulation by neoplastic tissue.