Characterization of bladder papilloma by two-parameter DNA-RNA flow cytometry.
Academic Article
Two-parameter flow cytometry (FCM) studies of 0.9% NaCl solution bladder irrigation specimens were performed on 48 patients with histologically orderly or atypical papilloma of the urinary bladder in order to assess the value of RNA as a possible second parameter, along with DNA, in the detection of bladder tumors. DNA, RNA, and nuclear diameter measurements were obtained for each of 5000 cells/sample, and analyses were based on the distributions of those values. With the use of DNA content alone, 22 cases (46%) were classified positive by FCM. With RNA content as an additional parameter, 40 cases (83%) were positive. Two cases were suspicious, and 6 cases were normal by both parameters. Of 28 patients with papillomas showing histological atypia, 16 patients had positive DNA histograms, including 3 patients with aneuploid stemlines, but 24 of the 28 patients had positive RNA histograms. Of 20 patients with orderly papillomas, 6 patients had positive DNA histograms, including 3 patients with aneuploid DNA stem cell lines, but 16 of the 20 patients had positive RNA histograms. Thus, the probability of positive DNA histograms is higher in atypical papillomas (57%) than in orderly papillomas (30%), whereas elevated (positive) RNA is more characteristic of all papillomas without distinction between those that are histologically atypical (86% positive) or orderly (80% positive). For patients at risk of developing papillary bladder tumors, two-parameter DNA-RNA FCM appears to offer greater diagnostic sensitivity than does FCM based on DNA content alone.