Nursing implications of visual fields in successfully treated retinoblastoma patients.
Academic Article
Very little data has been published on the long term peripheral vision of patients diagnosed and successfully treated for retinoblastoma. Nursing should address the patient's response to vision-conserving treatment and their adaptation to decreased peripheral vision. Computerized Humphrey's Central 30/Peripheral 30-60 visual fields were performed on ten patients (all with greater than ten year follow-up) who were successfully treated for retinoblastoma. All ten visual fields revealed an absolute and relative scotoma in the affected eye. Visual field loss was always worse than one would have predicted based upon the fundus examination of the tumor(s). Decisions for treatment must be based upon an interdisciplinary approach of nursing and medicine to evaluate patient survival and visual outcome. Nursing interventions include utilizing the visual field as a teaching aid, preparing the patient and the family for potential future visual loss and adaptation of lifestyle, and providing emotional support and realistic reassurance.