Carcinosarcoma of the ovary: incidence, prognosis, treatment and survival of patients.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: Carcinosarcomas (also known as malignant mixed mullerian tumours) are rare malignant neoplasms that histologically contain both epithelial and stromal components. METHODS AND MATERIALS: All cases of carcinosarcoma of the ovary presenting to the Royal Marsden Hospital from January 1975 to August 1993 were retrospectively analysed and the histological sections reviewed. RESULTS: There were 37 cases of carcinosarcoma of the ovary representing 1.12% of the ovarian neoplasms seen at this institution. The median age of presentation was 65 years (range 26-85 years) and 70% of patients had advanced disease (FIGO stage III and IV). Clinical features at presentation were similar to those encountered in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. The overall median survival was 247 days with 40% 1-year survival and 6% 5-year survival for all stages. Early FIGO stage was the only independent prognostic factor for survival. Histology (homologous/heterologous subtypes; grade, type or percentage of the epithelial component) had no significant impact on survival. Adjuvant radiotherapy may have a role and single agent platinum compounds are active, giving a response rate of 35%. CONCLUSIONS: The management of this tumour is difficult and randomised trials are needed to accrue sufficient patient numbers to demonstrate optimal therapy.