The practice of surgical staging and its impact on adjuvant treatment recommendations in patients with stage I endometrial carcinoma. Academic Article uri icon



  • A survey of American gynecologic oncologists was undertaken to assess their compliance with current surgical staging criteria in patients with early endometrial carcinoma. One hundred forty-four members of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists responded to the survey. Respondents treated an average of 22 new cases annually. Tumor grade and intraoperative determination of depth of myometrial invasion were demonstrated to influence the frequency of lymphatic dissection. In grade 1, 2, and 3 lesions, 76, 60, and 34% of responders, respectively, indicated that depth of invasion influenced their decision to perform lymphadenectomy. In addition, depth of invasion was important in determining type and extent of lymphatic resection. Further, the impact of pathologic lymph node status on postoperative adjuvant radiation therapy recommendations was evaluated for various stratifications of endometrial adenocarcinoma confined to the corpus. The greatest differences in treatment recommendations were noted in the 50-66% invasion category. For grade 1 and 2 cancers, adjuvant therapy recommendations were reduced by 23 and 16% respectively when comparing pelvic and combined therapy versus none and vaginal therapy. The effect of surgical staging data on clinical decisions is clearly evident. The knowledge of pathologically negative lymph node status reduces the recommendation for postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy in patients with adenocarcinoma otherwise confined to the uterine corpus.

publication date

  • June 1, 1996



  • Endometrial Neoplasms
  • Myometrium


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0029890558

PubMed ID

  • 8641624

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