- STUDY DESIGN: Posterolateral L4-L5 transverse process fusions were done on 14 adult beagles. Six were implanted with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 carried by open-cell polylactic acid polymer delivery vehicle. Six received autogenous iliac bone graft. Two received carrier alone. Eleven were killed 3 months after implantation. One in each group was maintained for 8 months. OBJECTIVES: To compare recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 and open-cell polylactic acid polymer with autogenous iliac bone for inducing transverse process fusion in the canine by 3 months and to determine whether transverse process decortication and implantation of carrier alone causes spontaneous transverse process fusion in the canine. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins have healed segmental long bone defects in several models. They have induced interlaminar and facet fusions in canines. Interlaminar and facet fusions have occurred after sham decortications in canines. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 has not been evaluated for transverse process fusion in canines. Transverse process fusion is a preferred clinical method for achieving posterior lumbar fusion. METHODS: Fusion sites were evaluated by serial computed tomography scans. After the dogs were killed, explanted spines were subjected to manual testing, mechanical testing, high resolution radiography, and histologic analysis. RESULTS: One hundred percent of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2-implanted sites had solid transverse process fusion by 3 months according to all measures. No autografted sites were fused at this interval. Osseous bridging of posterolateral gutters occurred in the recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2-implanted sites after 2 months, the earliest radiographic measure. None of the carrier-only sites showed bone formation. CONCLUSIONS: Recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 carried by open-cell polyactic acid polymer is superior to autogenous iliac bone for producing radiographically and mechanically solid transverse process fusions in canines by 3 months. Spontaneous transverse process fusion does not occur in canines after decortication and open-cell polylactic acid polymer implantation.