- This article reports the long-term follow-up evaluation (mean, 10 years) findings of 50 patients with upper-extremity peripheral nerve injuries. The most common persistent symptom was cold sensitivity (n = 38), and 33 of 38 patients rated its intensity as moderate or severe. Cold sensitivity typically developed within months after initial injury and resolved in only 2 patients. No significant difference in the incidence of cold sensitivity was found between patients with subjectively normal hand sensation (7 of 11) and those who reported abnormal hand sensibility (31 of 37). A cold sensitivity severity score (CSSS) was determined; a significant relationship was found between the CSSS and the patient's subjective rating of cold sensitivity intensity and change in job status or occupation due to injury (p < or = .02). No significant relationships were found between incidence of cold sensitivity and age, mechanism of injury, smoking, or level of nerve injury. A significant relationship was found between cold sensitivity and digital amputation injuries (p < or = .05). Thus, cold sensitivity is a common sequela following nerve injury and does not decrease over time.