Cytotoxic therapy-induced D-xylose malabsorption and invasive infection during remission-induction therapy for acute myeloid leukemia in adults.
Academic Article
PURPOSE: To study the sequential changes in the intestinal absorption of an oral pentose probe, D-xylose, in patients receiving therapy for untreated acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and to correlate these changes to infectious morbidity. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Serial D-xylose absorption studies were conducted in 110 consecutive adult patients admitted to a university-affiliated tertiary care hospital for remission-induction therapy for untreated newly diagnosed AML. Serial serum D-xylose levels were obtained 1 hour after a 5-g oral dose of D-xylose at baseline and weekly for 4 weeks until marrow recovery. These results were correlated with invasive infection using multivariate techniques. RESULTS: The mean (+/- SEM) serum D-xylose levels were 0.88 +/- 0.03, 0.69 +/- 0.03, 0.58 +/- 0.02, 0.53 +/- 0.02, and 0.73 +/- 0.02 mmol/L at baseline and weeks 1 to 4, respectively (P < .0001, analysis of variance [AN-OVA]). Time to malabsorption varied with induction regimen (P = .007, log-rank test). Bloodstream infections during week 2 correlated with malabsorption (P = .007). Neutropenic enterocolitis correlated independently with induction regimen (P = .009), malabsorption at week 2 (P = .02), and the development of candidemia (P = .005). Hepatosplenic fungal infection correlated with induction regimen (P = .03), malabsorption at week 2 (P = .02), and fever at diagnosis (P = .003). Malabsorption was unrelated to the duration of severe neutropenia and the administration of parenteral nutrition. CONCLUSION: Serial D-xylose absorption studies in subjects with AML produced a characteristic profile of cytotoxic therapy-related damage to the functional integrity of the intestinal epithelium that was regimen dependent, myelosuppression independent, and predictive for invasive infectious complications. Further study to validate these observations appears warranted.