- By pacing both atria simultaneously, one could reliably predict and optimize left-sided AV timing without concern for IACT. With synchronous depolarization of the atria, reentrant arrhythmias might be suppressed. We studied four male patients (73 +/- 3 years) with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and symptomatic bradyarrhythmias using TEE and fluoroscopy as guides; a standard active fixation screw-in lead (Medtronic model #4058) was attached to the interatrial septum and a standard tined lead was placed in the ventricle. The generators were Medtronic model 7960. The baseline ECG was compared to the paced ECG and the conduction time were measured to the high right atrium, distal coronary sinus and atrial septum in normal sinus rhythm, atrial septal pacing, and AAT pacing. On the surface ECG, no acceleration or delay in AV conduction was noted during AAI pacing from the interatrial septum as compared with normal sinus rhythm. The mean interatrial conduction time for all 4 patients was 106 +/- 2 ms; the interatrial conduction time measured during AAT pacing utilizing the atrial septal pacing lead was 97 +/- 4 ms (P = NS). During atrial septal pacing, the mean conduction time to the high right atrium was 53 +/- 2 ms. The mean conduction time to the lateral left atrium during atrial septal pacing, was likewise 53 +/- 2 ms. We conclude that it is possible to pace both atria simultaneously from a single site using a standard active fixation lead guided by TEE and fluoroscopy. Such a pacing system allows accurate timing of the left-sided AV delay.