Eugenia L Siegler   Professor of Clinical Medicine

  • +1 212 746 1772


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Funding awarded

  • Clonal Hematopoeisis in HIV and Aging  awarded by National Institute on Aging Co-Investigator 2020 - 2024
  • A technology-based psychosocial intervention to support social engagement and well-being in adults aging with HIV  awarded by National Institute on Aging Co-Principal Investigator 2022 - 2024
  • SPNS Initiative Emerging Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes for People Aging with HIV: Capacity-Building Provider  awarded by Health Resources & Services Administration Principal Investigator Subaward 2022 - 2025



full name

  • Eugenia L Siegler

primary email


External Relationships


  • Relationships and collaborations with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are of vital importance to our faculty because these exchanges of scientific information foster innovation. As experts in their fields, WCM physicians and scientists are sought after by many organizations to consult and educate. WCM and its faculty make this information available to the public, thus creating a transparent environment.

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    Springer Publishing Company