Choices and Outcomes of the Oldest Old Admitted During the First Wave of COVID-19 in New York City.
Academic Article
Objectives: Morbidity and mortality are higher in older adults with COVID-19, but their decisions about aggressive care, severity of disease, and outcomes during the first surge in New York City are not well characterized. We sought to determine if the oldest patients chose intubation and comfort care at different rates compared to younger geriatric patients. We also studied outcomes among patients admitted with severe disease and those who chose aggressive versus comfort care. Methods: This retrospective analysis used electronic health record data from patients 65 years and older at two medical centers in New York City admitted between 3/5/2020 and 5/15/2020. The primary outcome was comfort care orders, and secondary outcomes included death, palliative care consultation, goals of care discussion, code status, and ventilator weaning. Results: Of the 854 patients, 214 were in the oldest old (OO, age >ā=ā85) group, 269 middle old (MO, age 75-84), and 371 young old (YO, age 65-74). Among those with serious disease, the OO were more likely to choose comfort care (45% vs. 21% MO and 6.8% YO), less likely to be intubated (17% vs. 37% MO and 44% YO), more likely to have a palliative care consult, more likely to be DNR/DNI on admission (60% vs. 17% MO and 9.3%% YO), and more likely to die during admission (65% vs. 42% MO and 21% YO) (all p-values < 0.001). Of all 216 intubated patients, 78% of the OO died, versus 66% of the MO and 36% of the YO (pā=ā<0.001). Conclusions: Adults 85 and above admitted with COVID-19 were more likely to forego intubation and die with comfort-based care. Irrespective of intubation choice, patients 85 and older had a markedly poorer prognosis than other cohorts over 65.