Fabrizio Michelassi   Chair of Surgery

  • +1 646 962 8427

Dr. Fabrizio Michelassi, the Lewis Atterbury Stimson Professor of Surgery and Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College and Surgeon-in-Chief at the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, is a gastrointestinal surgeon with expertise in the surgical treatment of gastrointestinal cancers and inflammatory bowel diseases.

His experience and expertise in treating Crohn’s disease led him to develop a novel bowel-sparing procedure, now known as the Michelassi strictureplasty.  He has edited a book on operative strategies in inflammatory bowel disease and has produced many motion pictures on the surgical treatment of complications of Crohn’s disease.

Internationally renowned as an outstanding clinician, researcher and teacher, Dr. Michelassi has delivered many named and keynote lectures around the world; has been invited to be a visiting professor at 32 national and international institutions; and has delivered over 180 national and international presentations.  He is on the editorial board of five prestigious medical journals including: the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Surgery, The British Journal of Surgery, the World Journal of Gastroenterology, and Annals of Surgery.  He currently serves as Secretary of the Society of the Alimentary Tract and has served as Vice-President of the International Society of Digestive Surgery.

1985 - 1986 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Award
1987 - 1990 American Cancer Society Career Development Award
1995 University of Chicago. "Best Poster Presentation". Resident/Fellow category. 2nd Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery. "Chromosome 8 deletions in colorectal carcinoma: localization and clinical significance." Takanishi DM, Keleman PR, Kim AH, Yaremko ML, Halligan SK, Montag AG, Michelassi F and Westbrook CA
1996 University of Chicago. "Best Oral Presentation". Resident/Fellow category. 3rd Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery. "Ploidy as a Prognostic Feature in Colonic Adenocarcinoma." Takanishi DM, Hart J, Covarelli P, Chappell R and Michelassi F
1997 University of Chicago. "Best Oral Presentation" Resident/Fellow category. 4th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery. "Expression of liposomally delivered carcinoembryonic antigen promoter correlates with CEA secretions in human cancer cell lines". Fichera A, Arenas RB, Michelassi F
1997 University of Chicago. "Best Poster Presentation" 4th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery. "Oral gene delivery by cationic liposomes in a murine model". Romero L, Fichera F, Laughlin FM, Alverdy J, Michelassi F and Arenas RB
1997 Northwest Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Award. "Outstanding paper" at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons in Philadelphia. "Expression of liposomally delivered carcinoembryonic antigen promoter in human cancer cells". Fichera A, Arenas RB, Michelassi F
1998 University of Chicago. "Best Oral Presentation". 5th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery. "Prospective assessment of functional results after proctectomy with coloanal anastomosis". Arenas RA, Fichera A, Mhoon D, Michelassi F
2000 Chicago Surgical Society. "Best Resident paper". "The additive effects of APC gene therapy and Cox" 2 inhibitors reduce intestinal neoplasia". Lew JI, Kim RK, Michelassi F, Arenas RB
2000 Ross-SSAT Resident Conference. 1st Place. "Tumor suppressor gene therapy and Cox 2 inhibitors additively reduce intestinal neoplasia". Lew JI, Vargish L, Kim RK, Guo Y, Michelassi F, Arenas RB
2003 Chicago Chapter of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. 2nd Place. "Long term functional results after ileal pouch anal restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis: a prospective observational study". Lee J, Fichera A, Hurst RD, Michelassi


Participation in multi-institutional research groups:

1989 - 1991 CALGB 8X6H - Clinical significance of molecular genetic changes in colorectal carcinoma. Study Co-Chair.

1990 - 1994 CALGB 9081 - Intergroup rectal adjuvant protocol. A Phase III Study.
Chairman, Surgical Modality Quality Assurance

1.NIH (1 RO1 45249); "Subvisual diagnostic clues in cancer diagnosis"; M. Bibbo, M.D.; 7/01/87 - 6/30/90;"Subvisual diagnostic clues for colon adenocarcinoma"; F. Michelassi, M.D.; Co-Investigator, 10%.

2 NIH (1 T32 CA 09576-01/05); "Surgical Oncology Research Training Program"; F. Michelassi, M.D., Co-Principal Investigator; 10%. 7/01/87 - 6/30/90;

3. NIH (1T32 CA09576-04/05); "Surgical Oncology Research Training Program"; F. Michelassi, M.D.; Principal Investigator; 10%. 07/01/90 - 06/30/92;

4.NIH (RFA 90-CA-03); "Clinical Significance of Molecular Genetic Findings in Colorectal Cancer"; F. Michelassi, M.D.; Co-Principal Investigator; 5%. 06/01/90 - 05/31/92;

5. NIH (1 T32 CA 09586-06-10); "Surgical Oncology Research Training Program"; Principal Investigator; 10%. 07/01/92 - 06/30/97

6. NIH (U10 CA5959) "CALGB Surgical Modality Committee"; F. Michelassi, M.D.; Co-Investigator and Surgical Coordinator; 5%. 04/01/93 - 03/31/98

7. NIH (U10 CA41287) "CALGB Grant for the University of Chicago"; F. Michelassi, M.D.; Co-Investigator; 5%. 04/01/93 - 03/31/98;

1. Cancer Research Foundation, Chicago, Illinois. "Quantitative analysis of DNA in colorectal cancer"; Principal Investigator. 4/01/86 - 6/30/87

2. ACS, Clinical Oncology Fellowship; Director; 7/01/85 - 6/30/88

3. ACS, (87-100) Clinical Oncology Career Development Award; Principal Investigator; 30%. 7/01/87 - 6/30/90

4. ACS (15819) Audrey Meyer Mars International Fellowship in Clinical Oncology; Director; 7/01/88-6/30/89

5. Chicago Community Trust (1871); "Evidence for a new tumor suppressor gene involved in gastrointestinal malignancies";
Principal Investigator. 01/01/91 - 12/31/91;

6. James Ewing Foundation; "Search for a new tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 8 in gastroduodenal malignancies". Sponsor for Ms. Kristen L. Paulus; 05/01/91- 10/31/91

7. International Research and Exchanges Board; "Digestive Disease Clinical Research Training Program"; Director; 09/01/91 - 04/03/92

8. Department of Surgery, University of Chicago; "Clinical Significance of Molecular Genetic Findings in Colon Cancer"; Principal Investigator; 10%. 07/01/92 - 06/30/93

9.Department of Surgery, University of Chicago; "Gastric, pancreatic and colonic tumor suppressor gene on 8p"; Principal Investigator; 10%. 09/01/92 - 08/31/93

10.ACS, Audrey Meyer Mars International Fellowship in Clinical Oncology; Director; 07/01/94 - 06/30/95

1. Smith, Kline and French Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Comparison of one single preoperative dose vs. 24 hours of
prophylactic antibiotic use in surgery for gastric, biliary, pancreatic and colonic cancers"; Principal Investigator; 7/01/86 -6/30/87

2. United States Surgical Corporation. "Laparoscopic colectomies in dogs"; Principal Investigator; 09/01/93 - 06/30/94

3. United State Surgical Corporation. Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Surgery in Surgical Oncology. 07/01/98 - 06/30/03

4. Tyco-United States Surgical Corporation. Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Surgery at the University of Chicago.
Director; 07/01/99 - 06/30/02

5. Adolor Company. "A Multicenter Phase III, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Study of ADL 8-2698 in Opioid-Induced Postoperative Bowel Dysfunction/Postoperative Ileus"; Principal Investigator; 10/01/02 - 04/15/03

6. Porgenics Pharmaceuticals. "A Phase 3, Double-Blind, Randomized, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Study of Intravenous (IV) Methylnaltrexone Bromide (MNTX) in the Treatment of Post-Operative Ileus (POI)". Clnical Study Protocol #MNTX 3301; IRB Protocol #0701008927 (pending)

1998 The Dr. Manuel E. Lichtenstein Memorial Lecture. "Advances in the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease" The National Center for Advanced Medical Education. Chicago, IL, September, 1998

2002 The Folse-Birtch Lectureship in General Surgery. "Modern Principles and Recent Advances In the Surgical Treatment of Crohn's Disease" Southern Illinois University. Springfield, IL, November, 2002

2003 The Stuart S. Roberts, M.D. Endowed Lectureship for Excellence in Surgical Education. "Modern Principles and Recent Advances in the Surgical Treatment of Crohn's Disease". University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, IL, September, 2003

2004 The Michael Eisenberg Endowed Lecture. "Modern Principles and Recent Advances in the Surgical Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease" Brigham and Women's Hospital. Harvard University, Boston, MA, February, 2004

2005 The Vera and Forrest Lumpkin Lecture in Surgery. "Modern Principles and Recent Advances in the Surgical Treatment of Crohn's Disease". University of Texas-Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas,TX, April 2005

2005 The Edwin P. Lehman Lecture in Surgery. "Recent Advances in the Surgical Treatment of Crohn's Disease". University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, November 2005

2006 The J.D. Martin Lectureship in Surgery. "Modern Principles and Recent Advances in the Surgical Treatment of Crohn's Disease". Emory University, Atlanta, GA, May 2006

1. Michelassi F, Mariotti S, Vitti P, Grasso L, Pacini F, Tosi M, Bindi S, Pinchera A: Indagini sulla natura degli autoantigeni tiroidei. Giornate Endocrinologiche Pisane 11:541-555, 1975
2. Roses DF, Harris MN, Gumport SL, Michelassi F, Coffey JA, Dubin N: Regional lymph node dissection for malignant melanoma of the extremities. Surgery 89(6):654-659, 1981
3. Michelassi F, Landa L, Hill RD, Lowenstein E, Watkins WD, Petkau AJ, Zapol WM: Leukotriene D4: A potent coronary artery vasoconstrictor associated with impaired ventricular contraction. Science 217:841-843, 1982
4. Michelassi F, Castorena G, Hill RD, Lowenstein E, Watkins WD, Petkau AJ, Zapol WM: Effects of Leukotriene B4 and C4 on coronary circulation and myocardial contractility. Surgery 94(2):267-275, 1983
5. Nardi GL, Michelassi F, Zannini P: Transduodenal sphincteroplasty: 5 - 25 year follow-up of 89 patients. Ann Surg 198(4):453-461, 1983
6. Castorena G, Lind S, Michelassi F, Huttemeier P, Watkins WD, Zapol WM: Zymosan activated plasma infusion in sheep: effects of ethanol administration. Prostaglandins 28(5):695-709, 1984
7. Michelassi F, Ranson JHC: Bile duct disruption by blunt trauma. J Trauma 25(5):454-457, 1985
8. Grillo HC, Zannini P, Michelassi F, Landa L: Complications of tracheal reconstructions. La Chirurgia Toracica 38:35-43, 1985
9. Grillo HC, Zannini P, Michelassi F: Complications of tracheal reconstruction: incidence, treatment and prevention. J Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 91(3):322-328, 1986
10. Robinson DR, Skoskiewicz M, Bloch KJ, Castorena G, Hayes E, Lowenstein E, Melvin C, Michelassi F, Zapol WM: Cyclooxygenase blockade elevates leukotriene E4 production during acute anaphylaxis in sheep. J Experimental Medicine 163:1509-1517, 1986
11. Michelassi F, Shahinian HK, Ferguson MK: Effects of leukotrienes B4, C4 and D4 on rat mesenteric microcirculation. J Surg Res 42:
475-482, 1987
12. Shahinian HK, Ferguson MK, Michelassi F: Effect of histamine and histamine receptor antagonists on rat mesenteric microcirculation.
J Surg Res 42:703-707, 1987
13. Michelassi F, Schuette A, Landa L, Zapol WM, Grillo HC: Pulmonary and systemic contribution to canine tracheobronchial blood flow. Ital J Surg Sciences 17(2):105-112, 1987
14. Michelassi F, Dieterich M, Montag AG, Bostwick DG, Clinton SK, Visek WJ, Block GE: Increased levels of ras oncogene protein product in carcinogen-induced rat colorectal adenocarcinomas. Surgical Forum 38:400-402, 1987
15. Ruol A, Stephens JK, Maiorana A, Lubienski MB, Michelassi F, Ferguson MK, Skinner DB, Little AG: Expression of ras oncogene p21 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Surgical Forum 38:445-447, 1987
16. Connolly MM, Dawson PJ, Michelassi F, Moossa AR, Lowenstein F: Survival of 1,001 patients with carcinoma of the pancreas. Ann Surg 206(3):366-373, 1987
17. Michelassi F, Leuthner S, Lubienski M, Bostwick D, Rodgers J, Handcock M, Block GE: Ras oncogene p21 levels parallel malignant potential of different human colonic benign conditions. Arch Surg 122:1414-1416, 1987
18. Michelassi F, Mishlove LA, Stipa F, Block GE: Squamous-cell carcinoma of the colon. Experience at the University of Chicago, review of the literature; report of two cases. Dis Colon Rectum 31(3):228-235, 1988
19. Ferguson MK, Shahinian HK, Michelassi F: Lymphatic smooth muscle responses to leukotrienes, histamine and platelet activating factor.
J Surg Res 44:172-177, 1988
20. Michelassi F, Montag AG, Block GE: Adenosquamous-cell carcinoma in ulcerative colitis. Dis Colon Rectum 31(4):323-326, 1988
21. Michelassi F, Vannucci L, Montag A, Goldberg R, Chappell R, Dytch H, Bibbo M, Block GE: Importance of tumor morphology for the long term prognosis of rectal adenocarcinoma. Am Surg 54(6):376-379, 1988
22. Michelassi F, Vannucci LE, Montag A, Chappell R, Rodgers J, Block GE: Ras oncogene expression as a prognostic indicator in rectal adenocarcinoma. J Surg Res 45:15-20, 1988
23. Michelassi F, Block GE, Vannucci L, Montag A, Chappell R: 5- to 21-year follow-up and analysis of 250 patients with rectal adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg 208(3):379-389, 1988
24. Berkelhammer CH, Baker AL, Block GE, Bostwick DG, Michelassi F: Humoral hypercalcemia complicating adenosquamous carcinoma of the proximal colon. Dig Dis Sci 34(1):142-147, 1989
25. Michelassi F, Vannucci LE, Montag AG, Dytch HE, Bibbo M: Nuclear morphometric measurements in rectal adenocarcinoma cells of patients of different races. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 11(3):173-176, 1989.
26. Michelassi F, Erroi F, Roncella M, Block GE: Ras oncogene and the acquisition of metastasizing properties by rectal adenocarcinoma.
Dis of Colon Rectum 32(8):665-668, 1989
27. Michelassi F, Erroi F, Dawson PJ, Pietrabissa A, Noda S, Handcock M, Block GE: Experience with 647 consecutive tumors of the duodenum, ampulla, head of the pancreas and distal common bile duct. Ann Surg 210(4):544-556, 1989
28. Michelassi F, Dieterich M, Clinton SK, Olson LM, Erroi F, Bostwick DG, Montag AG, Visek WJ: Expression of ras oncogene in N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced rat colon tumors. Res Surg 1(3):113-117, 1989
29. Michelassi F, Erroi F, Angriman I, Westbrook C: Chromosome 5 allele loss in human gastric, ampullary and pancreatic carcinomas.
Ital J Surg Sciences 19(4):341-344, 1989
30. Bibbo M, Michelassi F, Bartels PH, Dytch H, Bania C, Lerma E, Montag AG: Karyometric marker features in normal-appearing glands adjacent to human colonic adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res 50:147-151, 1990
31. Michelassi F, Pietrabissa A, Ferrari M, Mosca F, Vargish T, Moosa HH: Bullet emboli to the systemic and venous circulation.
Surgery 107(3):239-245, 1990
32. Montag AG, Fossati N, Michelassi F: Pancreatic microcystic adenoma coexistent with pancreatic ductal carcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 14(4):352-355, 1990
33. Ruol A, Stephens JK, Michelassi F, Segalin A, Chiarelli S, Peracchia A, Skinner DB, Little AG: Expression of ras oncogene p21 protein in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. J Surg Oncol 44:142-145, 1990
34. Michelassi F, Vannucci L, Ayala JJ, Chappell R, Goldberg R, Block GE: Local recurrence after curative resection of colorectal adenocarcinoma . Surgery 108(4):787-793, 1990
35. Michelassi F, Grad G, Erroi F, Roncella M, Romagnoli J, Handcock M: Relationship between ras oncogene expression and clinical pathological features of colonic carcinoma. Hepatogastroenterology 37(5):513-516, 1990

36. Michelassi F, Pietrabissa A, Ferrari M, Mosca F, Vargish T, Gewertz BL: Bullet emboli to the systemic and pulmonary circulation.
Br J Surg 77:466-472, 1990
37. Michelassi F, Hayman JA, Handcock M, Goldberg R, Erroi F, Lashner BA, Hanauer SB: Ras oncogene protein product in ulcerative colitis. Res Surg 2(3):138-142, 1990
38. Michelassi F, Ayala JJ, Balestracci T, Goldberg R, Chappell R, Block GE: Verification of a new clinicopathologic staging system for colorectal adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg 213(7):11-18, 1991
39. Wasylyshyn ML, Neuman WL, Angriman I, Snyder LA, Montag AG, Westbrook CA, Michelassi F: Evidence for a new tumor-suppressor gene involved in gastrointestinal malignancies. Surg 110(2):265-268, 1991
40. Montag AG, Bartels PH, Dytch HE, Lerma-Puertas E, Michelassi F, Bibbo M: Karyometric features in nuclei near colonic adenocarcinoma. Statistical analysis. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 13(3):159-167, 1991
41. Goldberg RD, Michelassi F, Montag AG: Osteoclast-like giant cell tumor of the pancreas: immunophenotypic similarity to giant cell tumor of bone. Human Pathology 22:618-621, 1991
42. Michelassi F, Balestracci T, Chappell R, Block GE: Primary and recurrent Crohn's disease: Experience with 1,379 patients. Ann Surg 214(3):230-240, 1991
43. Michelassi F, Montag A, Bartels PH, Dytch H, Bania C, Lerma E, Bibbo M: Nuclear changes in the perineoplastic colonic mucosa: is the mucosa near a colon cancer normal? Res Surg 3(2):127-132, 1991
44. Neuman WL, Wasylyshyn ML, Jacoby R, Erroi F, Angriman I, Montag A, Brasitus T, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA: Evidence for common molecular pathogenesis in colorectal, gastric and pancreatic cancer. Genes,Chromosomes and Cancer 3:468-473, 1991
45. Michelassi F, Pomidor W, Montag, AG, Stephens J, Goldberg RD, Handcock M: Quantification of variation in reading immunohistochemical assays. Res Surg 4(1):35-38, 1992
46. Michelassi F: Sphincter-saving procedures for rectal adenocarcinoma. Hepatogastroenterology 39(3):193, 1992
47. Michelassi F, Ewing C, Montag A, Vannucci L, Segalin A, Panozzo M, Bibbo M, Dytch H, Chieco-Bianchi P: Prognostic significance of ploidy determination in rectal cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 39(3):222-225, 1992
48. Michelassi F, Block GE: Morbidity and mortality of wide pelvic lymphadenectomy for rectal adenocarcinoma. Dis Colon Rectum 35(12):1143-1147, 1992
49. Michelassi F, Block GE: A simplified technique for ileal J-pouch construction. Surg Gynecol Obstet 176:290-294, 1993
50. Michelassi F, Testa G, Pomidor WJ, Lashner BA, Block GE: Adenocarcinoma complicating Crohn's disease. Dis Colon Rectum 36(7):654-661, 1993
51. Michelassi F, Stella M, Block GE: Prospective assessment of functional results after ileal J pouch - anal restorative proctocolectomy.
Arch Surg 128:889-895, 1993
52. Michelassi F, Stella M, Balestracci T, Giuliante F, Marogna P, Block GE: Incidence, diagnosis and treatment of enteric and colorectal fistulae in patients with Crohn's disease. Ann Surg 218(5):660-666, 1993
53. Lichtiger S, Present DH, Kornbluth A, Gelernt I, Bauer J, Galler G, Michelassi F, Hanauer S: Cyclosporin in severe ulcerative colitis refractory to steroid therapy. NEJM 330(26):1841-1845, 1994
54. Michelassi F, Takanishi DM, Pantalone D, Hart J, Chappell R, Block GE: Analysis of clinicopathologic prognostic features in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. Surgery 116(4):804-810, 1994
55. Kelemen PR, Yaremko ML, Kim AH, Montag A, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA: Loss of heterozygosity in 8p is associated with microinvasion in colorectal carcinoma. Genes Chromosome Cancer 11:195-198, 1994
56. Sinicrope FA, Hart J, Brasitus TA, Michelassi F, Lee JJ, Safar AR: Relationship of P-glycoprotein and CEA expression in human colon carcinoma to local invasion, DNA ploidy, and disease relapse. Cancer 74:2908-2917, 1994
57. Yaremko ML, Wasylyshyn ML, Paulus KL, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA: Deletion mapping reveals two regions of chromosome 8 allele loss in colorectal carcinoma. Genes,Chromosomes and Cancer 10:1-6, 1994
58. Takanishi DM, Angriman I, Yaremko ML, Montag A, Westbrook CA, Michelassi F: Chromosome 17p allelic loss in colorectal carcinoma: clinical significance. Arch Surg 130:585-589, 1995
59. Sinicrope FA, Hart J, Michelassi F, Lee JJ: Prognostic value of bcl-2 oncoprotein expression in Stage II colon carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 1:1103-1110, 1995
60. Hurst RD, Finco C, Rubin M, Michelassi F: Prospective analysis perioperative morbidity in one hundred consecutive colectomies for ulcerative colitis. Surgery 118(4):748-755, 1995
61. Kotani N, Lin CY, Wang JS, Gurley JM, Tolin FP, Michelassi F, Lin HS, Sandberg WS, Roizen MF: Loss of alveolar macrophages during anesthesia and operation in humans. Anesth Analg 81:1255-1262, 1995
62. Fleshner, PR, Michelassi F, Rubin M, Plevy SE, Hanauer SB, Targan SR: Morbidity of subtotal colectomy in patients with severe ulcerative colitis unresponsive to cyclosporin. Dis Colon Rectum 38:1241-1245, 1995
63. Sudakoff GS, Gasparaitis A, Michelassi F, Hurst R, Hoffmann K, Hackworth C: Endorectal color doppler imaging of primary and recurrent rectal wall tumors: preliminary experience. Am J Roentgenology 166:55-61, 1996
64. Michelassi F: Side-to-side isoperistaltic strictureplasty for multiple Crohn's strictures. Dis Colon Rectum 39(3):345-349, 1996
65. Michelassi F, Finco C, Balestracci T, Stella M, Giuliante F, Block GE: Incidence, diagnosis and treatment of abdominal abscesses in Crohn's patients. Research in Surgery 8(1): 00-00, 1996
66. Hurst RD, Molinari M, Chung TP, Rubin M, Michelassi F: Prospective study of the incidence, timing and treatment of pouchitis in 104 consecutive patients after restorative proctocolectomy. Arch Surg 131:497-502, 1996
67. Takanishi DM, Hart J, Covarelli P, Chappell R, Michelassi F: Ploidy as a prognostic feature in colonic adenocarcinoma. Arch Surg 131:587-592, 1996
68. Arenas RB, Fichera A, Mok P, Blanco MC, Michelassi F: Introduction of human adenomatous polyposis coli gene into Min mice via cationic liposomes. Surgery 120(4):712-718, 1996
69. Takanishi DM, Kim SY, Kelemen PR, Yaremko ML, Kim AH, Ramesar JE, Horrigan SK, Montag A, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA: Chromosome 8 losses in colorectal carcinoma: localization and correlation with invasive disease. Molecular Diagnostics 2(1):3-10, 1997
70. Fichera A, Guo Y, Romero L, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: Quantitation of in vivo gene delivery by restriction enzyme PCR generated polymorphism. J Surg Res 69:188-192, 1997
71. Hurst RD, Molinari M, Chung TP, Rubin M, Michelassi F: Prospective study of the features, indications and surgical treatment in 513 consecutive patients affected by Crohn's disease. Surgery 122(4):661-668, 1997
72. Arenas RB, Fichera A, Mhoon D, Michelassi F: Incidence and therapeutic implications of synchronous colonic pathology in colorectal adenocarcinoma. Surgery 122(4):706-710, 1997
73. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Strictureplasty for Crohn's disease: techniques and long-term results. World J Surg 22:359-363, 1998
74. Arenas RB, Fichera A, Mhoon D, Michelassi F: Total mesenteric excision in the surgical treatment of rectal cancer: a prospective study. Arch Surg 133:608-612, 1998
75. Fichera A, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: Selective expression of carcinoembryonic antigen promoter in cancer cell lines. Targeting strategy for gene therapy in colorectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum 41(6):747-754, 1998
76. Hurst RD, Chung TP, Rubin M, Michelassi F: The implications of acute pouchitis on the long-term functional results after restorative proctocolectomy. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 4(4): 280-284, 1998
77. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Mosca F, Pederzoli P, Pasquali C, Kloppel G, Dhaene K, Michelassi F: Standard versus extended lymphadenectomy associated with pancreaticoduodenectomy in the surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma in the head of the pancreas: a multicenter, prospective, randomized study. Ann Surg 228(4):508-517, 1998
78. Mani S, Kugler JW, Sciortinon DF, Garcia JC, Ansari RH, Humerickhouse R, Michelassi F, Posner MC, Shulman KL, Schilsky RL, List M, Vokes EE, Benner S: Phase II trial of uracil/tegafur (UFT) plus leucovorin in patients with advanced pancreatic carcinoma: A University of Chicago phase II consortium study. Ann Onc 9:1-3, 1998
79. Sinicrope FA, Hart J, Hsu HA, Lemoine M, Michelassi F, Stephens LC: Apoptotic and mitotic indices predict survival rates in lymph node-negative colon carcinomas. Clinical Cancer Res 5:1793-1804, 1999
80. Michelassi F, Hurst RD: Restorative proctocolectomy with J-pouch ileo-anal anastomosis. Arch Surg 135:347-353, 2000
81. Michelassi F, Melis M, Rubin M, Hurst RD: Surgical treatment of anorectal complications of Crohn's disease. Surgery 128:597-603, 2000
82. Buell JF, Rosen S, Yoshida A, Labow D, Limsrichnrern S, Cronin DC, Bruce DS, Michelassi F, Millis JM, Posner MC: Hepatic resection: effective treatment for primary and secondary liver tumors. Surgery 128:686-93, 2000
83. Michelassi F, Hurst RD, Melis M, Rubin M. Cohen R, Gasparitis A. Hanauer SB, Hart J: Side-to-side isoperistaltic stricturerplasty in extensive Crohn's disease: prospective longitudinal study. Ann Surg 232:401-408, 2000
84. Lew JI, Kim RK, Guo Y, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: The inhibition of intestinal neoplasia with adenomatous polyposis coli gene therapy and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. Surgical Forum LI: 275-276; 2000
85. Rosen S, Buell J. Krszuba S, Yoshida A, Michelassi F, Hurst R, Millis J, Posner M: Initial presentation with stage IV colorectal cancer: how aggressive should we be? Arch Surg 135:530-535, 2000
86. Pedrazzoli S, Michelassi F: Extent of lymphadenectomy in the surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas. J Gastrointest Surg 4:229-230, 2000
87. Jaskowiak N, Michelassi F: Adenocarcinoma at a strictureplasty site in Crohn's disease. Dis Colon Rectum 44(2):284-287, 2001
88. Fichera A, Melis M, Michelassi F: Prospective assessment of functional results after proctectomy with coloanal anastomosis. J Gastrointest Surgery 5:153-157, 2001
89. Hurst RD, Crucitti P, Melis M, Rubin M, Gottlieb L, Michelassi F: Primary closure of complicated perineal wounds with myocutaneous and fasciocutaneous flaps after proctectomoy for Crohn's disease. Surgery 130:767-773, 2001
90. Lew JI, Hart J, Michelassi F: Natural history of mucinous ductal ectasia of the pancreas: a case report and review of the literature. American J Gastroenterol 97:2127-2132, 2002
91. Lew JI, Guo Y, Kim RK, Vargish L, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: Reduction of intestinal neoplasia with adenomatous polyposis coli gene replacement and COX-2 inhibition is additive. J Gastrointest Surg 6:563-568, 2002
92. Michelassi F, Lee J, Rubin M, Fichera A, Kasza K, Karrison T, Hurst RD: Long term functional results after ileal pouch anal restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis: a prospective observational study. Ann Surg 238:433-445, 2003
93. Sarr MG, Traverso WL, Fernandez-del Castillo C, Ahrendt SA, Wilson S, Aranha GV, Evans D, Conlon K, Gillanders W, Gibbs JF, Michelassi F, et al: The potent somatostatin analogue Vapreotide does not decrease pancreas-specific complications after elective pancreatectomy: a prospective multi-center, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. JACS 196:556-565, 2003
94. Fichera A, Hurst R, Michelassi F: Current methods of bowel-sparing surgery in Crohn's disease. Adv Surg 37:231-251, 2003
95. Michelassi F, Upadhyay G: Side-to-side isoperistaltic stictureplasty in the treatment of extensive Crohn's disease. J Surgical Res 117:71-78, 2004
96. Wolff BG, Michelassi F, Gerkin TM, et al.: Alvimopan Postoperative Ileus Study Group. Alvimopan, a novel, peripherally acting mu opioid antagonist: Results of a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase III trial of major abdominal surgery and postoperative ileus (Study 14CL313). Ann Surg 240:728-734, 2004
97. Fichera A, McCormack R, Rubin M, Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Long-term outcome of surgically treated Crohn's colitis. A prospective long term study. Dis Colon Rectum 48:963-969, 2005
98. Michelassi F: To impart this art: The didactic mission. Arch Surg 140:425-430, May 2005
99. Michelassi F: The discovery of new knowledge: Our scientific mission. Surgery 140(4):485-490, 2006
100. Fichera A, Michelassi F, Lovadina S, Rubin M, Cimino F, Hurst R: Patterns and operative treatment of recurrent Crohn's disease: A prospective longitudinal study. Surgery 140(4):649-654, October 2006
101. Michelassi F, Taschieri L, Tonelli F, Susaki I, Poggioli G, Ferio V, et al.: An international, multicenter, prospective, observational study of the side-to-side isoperistaltic strictureplasty in Crohn's disease. J. Dis Colon Rectum 2006
102. Fichera A, Hurst RH, Michelassi F: Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. J. Gastrointestinal Surg 2006
103. Michelassi F, et al.: Postoperative ileus-related morbidity profile in patients treated with Alvimopan after bowel resection. JACS 2006
104. Wolff BG, Weese JL, Ludwig KA, Delaney CP, Stamos MJ, Michelassi F, Du W, Techner L.: Postoperative ileus-related morbidity profile in patients treated with Alvimopan after bowel resection. JACS 2007
105. Kuerer HM, Eberlein, TJ, Pollock RE, Huschka M, Baile WF, Morrow M, Michelassi F, et al.: Career satisfaction, practice patterns and burnout among surgical oncologists: Report on the quality of life of members of the Society of Surgical Oncology. Ann Surg Oncol 2007
106. Farnell MB, Aranha GV, Nimura Y, Michelassi F: The role of extended lymphadenectomy for adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas: Strength of the evidence. J Gastrointestinal Surg 2007
107. Heller C, Michelassi F, Schuler M: Accelerating innovation between surgeons and biomedical engineers in the academic setting. Surgery 2007

1. Block GE, Michelassi F: Complicated pancreatic pseudocysts. Postgraduate General Surgery 2(1):1-5, 1990
2. Ewing C, Goldberg R, Michelassi F: Locally invasive rectosigmoid cancer. Postgraduate General Surgery 3(2):57-59, 1991
3. Stanislav G, Montag AG, Michelassi F: Transanal excision of early rectal carcinoma of the lower ampulla. Postgraduate General Surgery 3(2)60-62, 1991
4. Spellman J, Montag AG, Michelassi F: Low anterior resection and coloanal anastomosis for rectal carcinoma. Postgraduate General Surgery 3(2):67-70, 1991
5. Hansen N, Montag AG, Michelassi F: Squamous cell carcinoma of the colon. Postgraduate General Surgery 3(2):79-82, 1991
6. Michelassi F, Block GE: Adenocarcinoma complicating Crohn's colitis. Postgraduate General Surgery 3(2):83-84, 1991
7. Michelassi F: "Abdominoperineal proctosigmoidectomy for resection of rectal cancer." In: Current Techniques in General Surgery. Ed. Condon. New York: Lawrence DellaCorte Publications, 1994, Volume 3(2), pp. 1-8
8. Michelassi F. "The Michelassi Strictureplasty". In: Operative Techniques in General Surgery. Ed: Koltun. Philadelphia 2007, Volume 9, pp. 8-12

1. Hill RD, Rajagopalan B, Huttemeier PC, Michelassi F, Zapol WM: Pulmonary input impedance of normal and microembolized dog lungs. Federation Proc 41:1131, 1982
2. Michelassi F, Landa L, Hill R, Huttmeier PC, Watkins WD, Zapol WM: Leukotrienes D4: A potent sheep coronary vasoconstrictor that is not blocked by ibuprofen. Federation Proc 41:1598, 1982
3. Michelassi F, Landa L, Hill RD, Lowenstein E, Watkins WD, Zapol WM: Leukotriene D4: A potent sheep coronary vasoconstrictor. Circulatory Shock 9:180, 1982
4. Michelassi F, Castorena G, Wonders T, Watkins WD, Lowenstein E, Zapol WM: Pulmonary and systemic hemodynamic changes in sheep anaphylaxis. Federation Proc 42:302, 1983
5. Castorena G, Huttemeier P, Michelassi F, Lind S, Watkins WD, Zapol WM: Zymosan activated plasma infusion in sheep: Effects of ethanol administration. Federation Proc 42:491, 1983
6. Skoskiewich M, Castorena G, Block KJ, Lowenstein E, Robinson D, Moss J, Michelassi F, Zapol WM: Cardiopulmonary effects of Ascaris Suum extract in sensitized sheep. Federation Proc 43:882, 1984
7. Michelassi F, Funk G, Vannucci LE, Montag AG, Bibbo M, Block GE: Cystic tumors of the pancreas and prognostic value of tumor DNA content. Gastroenterology 92(5):1534, 1987
8. Vannucci LE, Michelassi F, Chappell R, Block GE: Importance of tumor morphology in the prognosis of rectal adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology 92(5):1680, 1987
9. Clinton SK, Dieterich M, Bostwick DG, Olson LM, Montag AG, Michelassi F, Visek WJ: The effects of ammonia on N-Methyl-N'-Nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced colon carcinogenesis and ras oncogene (p21) expression. Federation Proc 46:585, 1987
10. Bibbo M, Michelassi F, Bartels PH, Dytch HE, Vania C, Lerma E, Montag A: Marker features in glands adjacent to colon adenocarcinoma. Laboratory Investigation 60:10a, 1989
11. Jacoby RF, Erroi F, Westbrook C, Brasitus TA, Michelassi F: Genetic alterations in human gastric and pancreatic carcinomas are similar to colon cancer. Gastroenterology 96(5):A234, 1989
12. Westbrook CA, Neuman WL, Jacoby RF, Wasylyshyn M, Angriman I, Erroi F, Michelassi F: Similar genetic alterations occur in gastric, pancreatic and colorectal carcinomas. Am J Hum Genet 47(3):824, 1990
13. Michelassi F, Block GE: Verification of a new clinico-pathological staging system for colorectal adenocarcinoma. Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine 57:144, 1990
14. Westbrook CA, Neuman WL, Wasylyshyn M, Michelassi F: Gastric, pancreatic and colon cancer have a common molecular pathogenesis. Hepatogastroenterology 37(suppl II):9, 1990
15. Wasylyshyn M, Snyder LA, Angriman I, Neuman WL, Montag AG, Westbrook CA, Michelassi F: Evidence for a new tumor suppressor gene involved in gastrointestinal malignancies. Eur Surg Res 23(Sup 1):129, 1991
16. Gasparitis AE, Michelassi F, Nelson RL: Proctography of perirectal inflammatory disease. Radiology 181(Suppl):356, 1991
17. Michelassi F, Block GE: Incidence, diagnosis and treatment of enteric and colorectal fistulae in 639 consecutive Crohn's patients. Dis Colon Rectum 35(5) P35, 1992
18. Yaremko ML, Wasylyshyn M, Paulus K, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA: Regional localization of a chromosome 8 tumor suppressor gene involved in gastrointestinal malignancies. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research 33:357, 1992
19. Michelassi F, Covarelli P, Block GE: Gastrointestinal lymphomas and sarcomas. Gastroenterology 104:A428, 1993
20. Michelassi F, Covarelli P, Hart J, Fichera A, Block GE: Small bowel adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology 104(4):A429, 1993
21. Michelassi F, Pantalone D, Hart J, Chappell R, Block GE: A five-to twenty-five year follow-up and analysis of 570 patients with gastric tumor. Gastroenterology 104(4):A429, 1993
22. Michelassi F: Side-to-side isoperistaltic entero-enterostomy for multiple Crohn's strictures. Gastroenterology 104(4):A744, 1993
23. Michelassi F, Balestracci T, Roncella M, Scarcello E, Giuliante F, Block GE: Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease in the pediatric population. Gastroenterology 104(4):A744, 1993
24. Michelassi F, Balestracci T, Roncella M, Vatteroni F, Marogna P, Block GE: Crohn's disease of the gastroduodenum. Gastroenterology 104(4):A744, 1993
25. Michelassi F, Balestracci T, Scarcello E, Giuliante F, Marogna P, Block GE: Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease in the elderly. Gastroenterology 104(4):A744, 1993
26. Michelassi F, Stella M, Balestracci T, Giuliante F, Lazzaro G, Block GE: Crohn's disease of the neo-terminal ileum: surgical treatment. Gastroenterology 104(4):A745, 1993
27. Michelassi F, Stella M, Balestracci T, Vatteroni F, Angriman I, Block GE: Incidence, diagnosis and treatment of intraabdominal fistula in Crohn's disease. Gastroenterology 104(4):A745, 1993
28. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Michelassi F, Mosca F, Pederzoli P: Preliminary results of traditional and extended lymphadenectomy in resection of pancreatic head cancer. Digestion 54(5):299, 1993
29. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Michelassi F, Mosca F, Pederzoli P: Morbidity and mortality of traditional and extended lymphadenectomy in resection of pancreatic head cancer. HPB Surgery 6:97, 1993
30. Fleshner PR, Michelassi F: Does cyclosporine adversely influence the morbidity of subtotal colectomy in severe ulcerative colitis? Dis Colon Rectum 37(4):P32, 1994
31. Gasparitis AE, Michelassi F: Novel bowel-sparing surgery for Crohn's disease: description and radiographic appearance. Radiology 193:301, 1994
32. Fichera A, Molinari M, Cambronero E, Arenas R, Michelassi F: Complicated colorectal adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology 108(4):A466, 1995
33. Fichera A, Molinari M, Cambronero E, Arenas R, Michelassi F: Incidence and therapeutic implications of synchronous colonic pathology in colorectal adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology 108(4):A466, 1995
34. Fichera A, Molinari M, Cambronero E, Arenas R, Michelassi F: Modern surgical treatment for rectal adenocarcinoma: how often is a permanent stoma necessary? Gastroenterology 108(4): p. A467, 1995
35. Fichera A, Molinari M, Cambronero E, Arenas R, Michelassi F: Sensitivity of abdominal and pelvic CAT scan in the preoperative staging of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology 108(4):A467, 1995
36. Sinicrope FA, Hart J, Michelassi F, Lee JJ: Prognostic value of BCL-2 and p53 oncogene expression in lymph node-negative colon cancer. Gastroenterology108(4):A538, 1995
37. Molinari M, Hurst R, Michelassi F: Pouch-vaginal fistula: a rare complication after a restorative proctocolectomy and pouch ileal-anastomosis. Gastroenterology 108(4):A878, 1995
38. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Michelassi F, Mosca F, Pederzoli P: Pancreaticoduodenectomy associated with traditional or extended lymphadenectomy in resection of pancreatic head cancer. Results of a prospective, randomized, multicenter study. The Italian Journal of Gastroenterology 28:17, 1996
39. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Michelassi F, Mosca F, Pederzoli P: Better results with extended lymphadenectomy in surgical treatment of pancreatic head cancer: results of a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial. Gastroenterology 110:A174, 1997
40. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Michelassi F: Selective expression of liposomally delivered carcinoembrionic antigen promoter in human cancer cell lines. Dis Colon Rectum 40(6):A18; 1997
41. Pedrazzoli S, Pasquali C, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Michelassi F, Mosca F, Pederzoli P: Traditional or extended lymphadenectomy in resection of pancreatic head cancer. HPB 1:147, 1997
42. Fichera A, McCormack R, Rubin M, Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Long term outcome of surgically treated Crohn's colitis. A prospective is a more aggressive approach warranted? A prospective study. Dis Colon Rectum 47(4):A70; 2004

1. Michelassi F, Landa L, Hill RD, Huttemeier P, Lowenstein E, Zapol WM, Watkins WD. "Leukotriene D4: A potent sheep coronary vasoconstrictor that is not blocked by ibuprofen." In: Advances in Prostaglandins, thromboxane, and leukotriene research. Eds. Samuelsson, Paoletti, Ramwell. New York: Raven Press, 1983, Volume 11, pp 397-399
2. Michelassi F, Block GE. "Obstruction of the Large Bowel". In: Current Surgical Therapy. Ed. Cameron. Missouri: C.V. Mosby, 1985, pp. 97-99
3. Kaplan EL, Michelassi F. "Endocrine tumors of the pancreas and their clinical syndromes." In: Surgery Annual. Ed. Nyhus. Connecticut: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1985, pp. 181-221
4. Pietrabissa A, Michelassi F. "Gastroduodenal, hepato-biliary and pancreatic emergencies during pregnancy." In: Surgical Diseases in Pregnancy. Ed. Cibils. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988, pp. 153-162
5. Block GE, Michelassi F. "Granulomatous Colitis." In: Current Surgical Therapy, 3rd Edition. Ed. Cameron. Missouri: C.V. Mosby, 1988, pp. 121-124
6. Michelassi F, Lubienski M. "Genetic study of lymphnodal metastasis in rectal cancer." In: Essays in Surgery. Ed. Zarins. New York: Churchill Livingston, Inc., 1988, pp. 125-128
7. Michelassi F. "Levels of ras oncogene protein product in familial adenomatous polyposis." In: Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. Ed. Herrera. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1989, pp. 347-350
8. Michelassi F. "Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease." In: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: new trends and new technologies in digestive surgery. Ed. D'Amico, Tropea, Erroi. Padova: Cleup Editrice, 1990, pp. 57-62
9. Stanislav G, Michelassi F. "Large Bowel Obstruction." In: Current Surgical Therapy, 4th Edition. Ed. Cameron. Missouri: C.V. Mosby, 1991, pp. 165-168
10. Michelassi F, Block GE. "Surgical management of Crohn's disease." In: Advances in Surgery. Eds. Cameron, Balch, et al. Missouri: C.V. Mosby, 1991, Vol ume 26, pp. 307-322
11. Yaremko L, Wasylyshyn M, Westbrook C, Michelassi F. "Oncogenes, suppressor genes and allele losses in colon cancer." In: Advances in Surgery, Volume 26. Eds. Cameron, Balch, et al. Missouri: C.V. Mosby, 1991, pp. 323-332
12. Michelassi F, Balestracci T. "Special operations on the colon and rectum: appendectomy, management of appendiceal abscesses, cecostomy, polypectomy, fulguration and laser treatment of rectal lesions, posterior proctectomy for rectal lesions." In: Operative Colorectal Surgery. Eds. Block, Moossa. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1994, pp. 373-387
13. Block GE, Michelassi F. "Wide pelvic lymph node dissection: rational, technique and results." In: Colorectal Cancer. Ed. Wanebo. Missouri: C.V. Mosby, 1993, pp. 263-273
14. Michelassi F, Stella M. "Intra-abdominal septic complications in Crohn's disease." In: Perspectives in Surgery. Ed. Levine. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc., 1993, Volume 3, pp. 63-78
15. Michelassi F. "Abdominoperineal proctosigmoidectomy for resection of rectal cancer." In: Current Techniques in General Surgery. Ed. Condon. New York: Lawrence DellaCorte Publications, 1994, Volume 3(2), pp. 1-8
16. Wasylyshyn M, Michelassi F. "Prognostic factors: molecular and biological." In: Cancer of the Colon, Rectum and Anus. Eds. Cohen, Winauer. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994, pp. 245-248
17. Michelassi F, Finco C. "Indications for operation in inflammatory bowel disease: the surgical perspective." In: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 4th Edition. Eds. Kirsner, Shorter. Malvern: Lea & Febiger, 1995, pp. 771-783
18. Arenas R, Michelassi F. "The management of colorectal cancer." In: Current Surgical Therapy, 5th Edition. Ed. Cameron. Missouri: C.V. Mosby, 1995, pp. 190-195
19. Michelassi F. "Crohn's Disease." In: Digestive Tract Surgery: A Text & Atlas. Eds. Bell, Rikkers, Mulholland. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1996, pp. 1201-1228
20. Mulholland M, Zelenock GB, Michelassi F. "Atlas of Small Intestinal Surgery." In: Digestive Tract Surgery: A Text & Atlas. Eds. Bell, Rikkers, Mulholland. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1996, pp. 1263-1311
21. Michelassi F, Hurst RD. "Electrocoagulation, argon beam coagulation, cryotherapy, and other hemostatic and tissue ablative instruments". In: Mastery of Surgery, 2nd Edition. Eds. Nyhus, Baker, Fischer. Boston, Toronto: Little and Brown Company, 1997, pp. 234-245
22. Michelassi F, Mhoon D. "Functional results following rectal surgery". In: Treatment of Rectal Cancer. Eds. Soreide, Norstein. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1997, pp. 337-352
23. Arenas RB, Michelassi F. "TNM staging and results with surgery only". In: Adjuvant Therapy for Colorectal Cancer. Current Problems in Surgery. Ed. Wells. Littletown; Mosby Year Book, 1997, 34 (8) pp. 601-676
24. Michelassi F. "Indications for surgical treatment in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease". In: Operative Strategies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Eds. Michelassi, Milsom. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 150-153
25. Michelassi F, Takanishi D, McLeon RS, Harms BA, Starling JR, Fonkalsrud EW. "Ileal reservoirs". In: Operative Strategies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Eds. Michelassi, Milsom. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 186-214
26. Michelassi F, Hurst R. "Perineal proctectomy". In: Operative Strategies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Eds. Michelassi, Milsom. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 338-341
27. Michelassi F. "Surgical treatment of fistulas". In: Operative Strategies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Eds. Michelassi, Milsom. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 335-359
28. Michelassi F, Fichera A. "Indication for surgical treatment in inflammatory bowel disease: the surgeon's perspective". In: Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 5th Edition. Ed. Kirsner. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2000, pp. 616-625
29. Michelassi F, Hurst RD. "Strictureplasty in Crohn's disease". In: Current Surgery Therapy, 7th Edition. Ed. Cameron. Missouri: CV Mosby, 2001, pp. 132-138
30. Michelassi F, Hanauer S. "Medical surgical collaboration in patient management". In: Advanced therapy in inflammatory bowel disease, 2nd Edition. Eds. Bayless, Hanauer. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: BC Decker, Inc., 2001, pp. 19-21
31. Hurst RD, Melis M, Michelassi F. "Surgery for Crohn's colitis". In: Advanced therapy in inflammatory bowel disease, 2nd Edition. Eds. Bayless, Hanauer. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: BC Decker, Inc., 2001, pp. 495-500
32. Michelassi F, Hurst RD. "Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease of the small intestine". In: Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 5th Edition. Eds. Zuidema, Yeo. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 2001, pp. 391-410
33. Michelassi F, Hurst RD. "Crohn's disease". In: Principles of Surgery. Eds. Mulholland, Greenfield. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders (in press)
34. Hurst RD, Fichera A, Michelassi F. "Electrocautery Argon beam coagulation, cryotherapy and other hemostatic and tissue ablative instruments". In: Mastery of Surgery, 3rd Edition. Eds. Baker, Fischer. Boston, Toronto: Little and Brown Company, 2001, pp. 238-250
35. Michelassi F. "The surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas via a radical pancreatectomy". In: Pancreatic Cancer. Ed: Cameron. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: BC Decker, 2001, pp. 109-122
36. Takanishi DM, Michelassi F. "Benign and malignant small bowel tumors". In: Cancer of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract. Eds: Posner, Vokes, Weichselbaum. Hamilton, ON, Canada: BC Decker, 2001, pp. 373-390
37. Takanishi DM, Michelassi F. "Concepts in surgery of the large intestine". In: Chassin's Operative Strategy in General Surgery, 3rdEdition. Ed: Scott-Connor. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 359-382
38. Fichera A, Michelassi F. "Surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease". In: Textbook of Gastroenterology, 4th Edition. Eds. Yamada, Alpers, Kaplowitz, Laine, Owyang, Powell. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2003, pp. 1760-1790
39. Fichera A, Hurst R, Michelassi F. "Current methods of bowel sparing surgery in Crohn's disease" In: Advances in Surgery. Ed. Cameron. Missouri: CV Mosby, 2003, Volume 37, pp. 231-251
40. Hurst RD, Michelassi F. "Ileal-pouch anal restorative proctocdectomy for ulcerative colitis". In: Advances in Surgery. Ed. Cameron. Missouri: CV Mosby, 2004, Volume 38, pp. 311-336
41. Fichera A, Michelassi F. "Indications for surgery: A surgeon's opinion". In: Kirsner's Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 6th Edition. Eds. Sartor, Sandborn. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2004, pp. 596-601.
42. Fichera A, Michelassi F. "Cancer of the small bowel". In: Clinical Oncology, 3rd Edition. Eds. Abeloff, Armitage, Niederhuber, Kastan, McKenna. Philadelphia: Elsevier, Churchill, Livingstone, 2004, pp. 1863-1875.
43. Fichera A, Michelassi F. "Small bowel diverticulosis". In: Current Surgical Therapy, 8th Edition. Ed. Cameron. Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby, 2004, pp. 124-126
44. Hurst RD, Michelassi F. "Fulminant ulcerative colitis". In: ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice. Eds. Souba, Fink, Jurkovich, et al.., WebMD, Inc., 2006, Chapter 36, pp. 554-561
45. Michelassi F, Hurst RD, Fichera A. "Crohn's disease". In: Greenfield's Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice, 4th Edition. Eds. Mulholland, Lillimoe, et al.. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2006, pp. 788-807
46. Michelassi F, Hurst RD, Fichera A, "Crohn's disease". In: Maingot's Abdominal Operations, 11th Edition. Eds. Zinner MJ and Ashley SW. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006 (in press)
47. Takanishi DM, Michelassi F. "Concepts in surgery of the large intestine". In: Chassin's Operative Strategy in Colon and Rectal. Ed: Scott-Connor. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2006 (in press)
48. Michelassi F, Kaldare MV, Fichera A, Hurst RD. "Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease". In: Mastery of Surgery, 4th Edition. Eds. Fischer J and Bland K. Boston, Toronto: Little and Brown Company, 2006 (in press)
49. Michelassi F. "Bowel Stricturoplasties". In: ACS Multimedia Atlas of Surgery: Colon & Rectal Volume. Eds: Asbun, Young-Fadok. Chicago 2006 (in press)
50. Fichera A, Michelassi F. "Surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease". In: Textbook of Gastroenterology, 5th Edition. Eds. Yamada, Alpers, Kaplowitz, Laine, Owyang, Powell. Philadelphia: Blackwell Publishing, 2006 (in press)
51. Michelassi F, Lee S. "Restorative proctocolectomy with J-pouch ileoanal anastomosis". In: Atlas of Advanced Operative Surgery. Ed: Khatri. Philadelphia: Elsevier Science, 2007 (pending)
52. Michelassi F. "The Michelassi Strictureplasty". In: Operative Techniques in General Surgery. Ed: Koltun. Philadelphia 2007 (pending)

1. "Operative Strategies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease". Eds. F. Michelassi and J. Milsom. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1999

1. "Principles and Practice of Trauma Care." Ed: Worth, Jr. Baltimore/London: Williams and Wilkins, 1982. Review published in Anesthesiology, 1982

1. Michelassi F. "Colorectal surgery". Postgraduate General Surgery; 3(2): June, 1992
2. Michelassi F. "Sphincter saving procedures for rectal cancer". Hepatogastroenterology; 39(3), June, 1992
3. Block GE, Michelassi F. "Crohn's disease". Current Problems in Surgery. Ed. S. Wells. CV Mosby, 30; pp. 173-272, 1993.
4. Cohen AM, Kelsen D, Saltz L, Minsky BD, Nelson H, Farouk R, Gunderson LL, Michelassi F, Arenas R, Schilsky RL, Willet CG. "Adjuvant therapy for colon cancer". Current Problems in Surgery. Ed S. Wells. CV Mosby, 34; pp. 601-678, 1997
5. Michelassi F. "Biliary/Duodenal bypass procedures". Operative Techniques in General Surgery; 2(4), December, 2000
6. Michelassi F, Bleday R, Brown G, Rothenberger DA, Vernava AM, Willett C, Wong WD. "The surgical treatment of rectal cancers. Part I". Contemporary Surgery; 59:12-21, 2003
7. Michelassi F, Bleday R, Brown G, Rothenberger DA, Vernava AM, Willett C, Wong WD. "The surgical treatment of rectal cancers. Part II". Contemporary Surgery; 59:61-70, 2003
8. Michelassi F. "Stay tuned: more progress to come". Contemporary Surgery 59:58-59, 2003

1. Michelassi F, Leung KL, Kwok SPY, Lau WY, Meng WCS, Lam TY, Chung CC, Liak C. "Laparoscopic-assisted resection of rectosigmoid carcinoma: immediate and medium-term results." Arch Surg 132:765, 1997
2. Michelassi F, Arenas RB. "Ulcerative colitis complicated by cancer." Submitted to Tumor Boards
3. Michelassi F, Daly JM, Burak W, Chevinsky A, Lavery IL, Martin WE, Schneebaum S, RIGS Study Group. "Radioimmuno-guided surgery for large bowel cancer: Results of a prospective multi-institutional trial. Submitted to JACS
4. Takanishi DM, Michelassi F. "More on the treatment of anal margin carcinomas." Oncology, 11:629-630, 1997
5. Michelassi F, Blumberg D, Paty PB, Picon AI, Guillem JG, Klimstra DS. "Stage I rectal cancer: Identification of high risk patients." JACS 186:479-480, 1998
6. Michelassi F, Cristaldi M, Sampietro GM, Maconi G. Sertoni A, Danelli P, Taschieri AM. "Morbidity and long-term recurrence of nonconventional strictureplasty for complicated Crohn's disease: A prospective longitudinal study" (in press)

1. Michelassi F. Construction of an ileal J-pouch: A simplified technique. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons; Chicago, IL, October 24, 1991.
Accepted in the Surgical Film-Video Library of the American College of Surgeons (ACS-1675)

2. Hanauer SB, Michelassi F. Medical and surgical intervention in inflammatory bowel disease.
The Network for Continuing Medical Education, 1992

3. Michelassi F, Gottlieb L. Anorectal Crohn's disease with extensive perineal sepsis. Presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons; New Orleans, LA, October, 1992.
Selected for the film session, "The Best of Clinical Congress1993" at the 22nd Annual Spring Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Accepted in the Surgical Film-Video Library of the American College of Surgeons.

4. Michelassi F, Block GE. Surgical treatment of anorectal complications in Crohn's disease. Presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the
American College of Surgeons; San Francisco, CA, October, 1993.
Accepted in the Surgical Film-Video Library of the American College of Surgeons.

5. Michelassi F. Surgical alternatives in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis.
Educational motion picture for patients and their families, 1995.

6. Michelassi F, Block GE. Laparoscopic ileocecectomy with intracorporeal anastomosis for Crohn's disease. Presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons; San Francisco, CA, October, 1993.
Accepted in the Surgical Film-Video Library of the American College of Surgeons.
Shown at the 95th Annual Convention of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Seattle, WA, June, 1996.

7. Michelassi F, Block GE. Side-to-side isoperistaltic entero-enterostomy for multiple strictures in Crohn's disease. Presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons; Chicago, IL, October, 1994.
Accepted in the Surgical Film-Video Library of the American College of Surgeons.
Shown at the Trends in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Meeting, Toronto, June, 1996.
Selected for presentation at the Clinical Workshop Through Films of the 82nd Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, October, 1996.

8. Michelassi F, Fichera A. Modern principles and surgical strategy in the treatment of abdominal Crohn's disease. Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract; Orlando, FL, May, 2003.

9. Fichera A, Michelassi F. One-stage laparoscopic-assisted restorative proctocolectomy with stapled ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis.
Shown at the 89th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL, October, 2003.

10. Pietrabrisse A, Michelassi F. Laparoscopic treatment of fulminant ulcerative colitis. Presented at the Annual Meeting of SAGES, 2004.

11. Michelassi F, Fichera A. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease of the small bowel and
terminal ileum. Presented at the Cine' Clinic of the 90th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons, New Orleans, LA,
October, 2004.

1. Michelassi F, Landa L, Hill R, Huttmeier PC, Watkins WD, Zapol WM: Leukotrienes D4: A potent sheep coronary vasoconstrictor that is not blocked by ibuprofen. Presented at the Annual Meeting of FASEB, New Orleans, LA; April, 1982
2. Michelassi F, Landa L. Hill RD, Lowenstein E, Watkins WD, Zapol WM: Leukotriene D4: A potent sheep coronary vasoconstrictor. Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Shock, Smuggler's Notch, VT; June, 1982
3. Michelassi F, Landa L, Hill RD, Huttemeier P, Lowenstein E, Zapol WM, Watkins WD: Leukotriene D4: A potent sheep coronary vasoconstrictor that is not blocked by ibuprofen. Presented at the 1st International Congress on Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes, Florence Italy; June, 1982
4. Hill RD, Rajagopalan B, Huttemeier PC, Michelassi F, Zapol WM: Pulmonary input impedance of normal and microembolized dog lungs. Presented at the Annual Meeting of FASEB, New Orleans, LA; April, 1982
5. Michelassi F, Castorena G, Wonders T, Watkins WD, Lowenstein E, Zapol WM: Pulmonary and systemic hemodynamic changes in sheep anaphylaxis. Presented at the Annual Meeting of FASEB, New Orleans, LA; April, 1983
6. Michelassi F, Castorena G, Hill RD, Lowenstein E, Watkins WD, Petkau AJ, Zapol WM: Effects of Leukotriene B4 and C4 on the coronary circulation and myocardial contractility. Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of University Surgeons, Oklahoma City, OK; February, 1983
7. Nardi GL, Michelassi F, Zannini P: Transduodenal sphincteroplasty: Five to twenty-five year follow-up of 89 patients. Presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Society, Boca Raton, FL; May, 1983
8. Castorena G, Huttemeier P, Michelassi F, Lind S, Watkins WD, Zapol WM: Zymosan activated plasma infusion in sheep: Effects of ethanol administration. Presented at the Annual Meeting of FASEB, New Orleans, LA; April, 1983
9. Grillo HC, Zannini P, Michelassi F, Landa L: Complications of tracheal reconstructions. Presented at the International Congress on Thoracic Surgery, Rome, Italy; May, 1984
10. Skoskiewich M, Castorena G, Block KJ, Lowenstein E, Robinson D, Moss J, Michelassi F, Zapol WM: Cardiopulmonary effects of Ascaris Suum extract in sensitized sheep. Presented at the Annual Meeting of FASEB, New Orleans, LA; May, 1984
11. Grillo HC, Zannini P, Michelassi F: Complications of tracheal reconstruction. Presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, New Orleans, LA; April, 1985
12. Michelassi F, Shahinian HK, Ferguson MK: Effects of leukotrienes C4 and D4 on rat mesenteric circulation. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery, Washington, DC; November, 1986
13. Shahinian HK, Ferguson MK, Michelassi F: Effect of histamine and histamine receptor antagonists on rat mesenteric microcirculation. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery, Washington, DC; November, 1986
14. Ferguson MK, Shahinian HK, Michelassi F: Lymphatic smooth muscle responses to leukotrienes, histamine and platelet activating factor. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery, Washington, DC; November, 1986
15. Michelassi F, Dieterich M, Bostwick DG, Clinton SK, Visek WJ, Block GE: Increased levels of ras oncogene protein product in carcinogen-induced rat colorectal adenocarcinomas. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA; October, 1987
16. Ruol A, Stephens JK, Maiorana A, Lubienski M, Michelassi F, Ferguson MK, Skinner DB, Little AG: Expression of ras oncogene p21 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA; October, 1987
17. Connolly MM, Dawson PJ, Michelassi F, Moossa AR, Lowenstein F: Survival of 1001 patients with carcinoma of the pancreas. Presented at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, Palm Beach, FL; April 1987
18. Michelassi F, Leuthner S, Lubienski M, Bostwick D, Rodgers J, Handcock M, Block GE: Levels of ras oncogene protein product parallel malignant potential of different human colonic benign conditions. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, London, England; April, 1987
19. Michelassi F, Vannucci L, Montag A, Goldberg R, Chappell R, Dytch H, Bibbo M, Block GE: Importance of tumor morphology for the long term prognosis of rectal adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Surgical Association, Lake Geneva, WI; August, 1987
20. Michelassi F, Vannucci LE, Montag A, Chappell R, Rodgers J, Block GE: Ras oncogene expression as a prognostic indicator in rectal adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery, Orlando, FL; November, 1987
21. Clinton SK, Dieterich M, Bostwick DG, Olson LM, Montag AG, Michelassi F, Visek WJ: The effects of ammonia on N-Methyl-N'-Nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced colon carcinogenesis and ras oncogene (p21) expression. Presented at the Annual Meeting of FASEB, 1987
22. Michelassi F, Block GE, Vannucci L, Montag A, Chappell R: Five to twenty-one year follow-up and analysis of 250 patients with rectal adenocarcinoma. Presented at the 108th Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, San Francisco, CA; May, 1988
23. Michelassi F, Erroi F, Dawson PJ. Survival in 900 consecutive ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Presented at the First Congress of the Italian Chapter of the World Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Society, Bologna, Italy; November, 1988
24. Bibbo M, Michelassi F, Bartels PH, Dytch HE, Vania C, Lerma E, Montag A: Marker features in glands adjacent to colon adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, San Francisco; CA, March, 1989
25. Vannucci L, Mannocci L, Buttitta F, Mosca F, Ermini M, Michelassi F: Ras oncogene expression in the prognosis of rectal cancer: experiments in a rat model. Presented at the XIV National Meeting of the Italian Society for Surgical Research, Catania, Italy; March, 1989
26. Vannucci L, Michelassi F, Mosca F, Urciuolo P: Prognostic significance of nuclear ploidy in cystic tumors of the pancreas. Presented at the XIV National Meeting of the Italian Society for Surgical Research, Catania, Italy; March, 1989
27. Michelassi F, Erroi F, Dawson PJ, Pietrabissa A, Noda S, Handcock M, Block GE: Experience with 647 consecutive tumors of the duodenum, ampulla, head of the pancreas and distal common bile duct. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, Colorado Springs, CO; April, 1989
28. Michelassi F, Vannucci L, Ayala J, Chappell R, Goldberg R, Block GE: Local recurrence after curative resection of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association, Chicago, IL; March, 1990
29. Michelassi F, Block GE: Improved results following radical operations for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Presented at the 3rd World Congress on Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery, London, England; June, 1990
30. Michelassi F, Block GE: Verification of a new clinico-pathological staging system for colorectal adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; November, 1990
31. Westbrook C, Neuman W, Wasylyshyn M, Michelassi F: Gastric, pancreatic and colon cancer have a common molecular pathogenesis. Presented at the 2nd meeting of the International Gastro-Surgical Club, Athens, Greece; November, 1990
32. Wasylyshyn M, Snyder LA, Angriman I, Neuman WL, Montag AG, Westbrook CA, Michelassi F: Evidence for a new tumor suppressor gene involved in gastrointestinal malignancies. Presented at the 52nd Meeting of the Society of University Surgeons, Galveston, TX; February 8, 1991
33. Michelassi F, Pomidor W, Montag AG, Stephens J, Goldberg R, Handcock M: Quantification of verification in reading immunohistochemical assays. Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Orlando, FL; March, 1991
34. Michelassi F, Balestracci T, Chappell R, Block GE: Primary and recurrent Crohn's: Experience with 1379 cases. Presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, Boca Raton, FL; April 11, 1991
35. Wasylyshyn M, Snyder LA, Angriman I, Neuman WL, Montag AG, Westbrook CA, Michelassi F: Evidence for a new tumor suppressor gene involved in gastrointestinal malignancies. Presented at the Tripartite Meeting of the Society of University Surgeons, the European Society for Surgical Research and the Surgical Research Society; Salzburg, Austria; May, 1991
36. Wasylyshyn M, Neuman WL, Angriman I, Montag A, Westbrook CA, Michelassi F: Genetic abnormalities in pancreatic and ampullary adenocarcinomas. Presented at the Pancreas Club Meeting, New Orleans, LA; May, 1991
37. Michelassi F, Block GE: Pancreatectomy with extended retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy in the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Illinois Surgical Society, White Sulphur Springs, WB, September, 1991
38. Block GE, Michelassi F: A clinical trial of radiolabeled immuno-conjugates for the detection of colorectal, ovarian and prostate carcinoma. Presented at the Society of Pelvic Surgeons, Phoenix, AZ; November, 1991
39. Kotani N, Wang JS, Lin CY, Gurley J, Tolin F, Michelassi F, Lin HS, Roizen MF: In vivo increase in aggregation and nonviability of alveolar macrophages with continued anesthesia in human beings. Presented at the Scientific Meeting of the International Anesthesia Research Society, San Francisco, CA; March, 1992
40. Gasparitis A, Vargish T, Winans C, Michelassi F: Gradient flow effect in double-contrast enteroclysis for low-grade partial small bowel obstruction. Presented at the European Society of Gastrointestinal Radiologists, Nice, France; June, 1992
41. Michelassi F, Stella M, Block GE: Prospective assessment of functional results after ileal J pouch - anal restorative proctocolectomy. Presented at the 100th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, San Antonio, TX; November, 1992
42. Pedrazzoli S, Di Carlo V, Dionigi R, Michelassi F, Mosca F, Pederzoli P: Preliminary results of traditional and extended lymphadenectomy in resection of pancreatic head cancer. Presented at the Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Society, Paris, France; June, 1993
43. Michelassi F, Stella M, Block GE: Prospective assessment of functional results after ileal J pouch-anal restorative proctocolectomy. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; December, 1993
44. Michelassi F, Takanishi D, Pantalone D, Hart J, Chappell R, Block GE: Clinicopathologic prognostic features in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Central Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; March, 1994
45. Keleman P, Kim A, Yaremko M, Westbrook C, Michelassi F: Chromosome 8 tumor suppression gene in colorectal cancer: mapping by PCR on paraffin-embedded clinical specimens. Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Houston, TX; March, 1994
46. Michelassi F, Block GE: Genito-urinary complications in Crohn's disease. Presented at the 102nd Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Palm Desert; CA, November, 1994
47. Takanishi DM, Angriman I, Yaremko L, Montag A, Westbrook C, Michelassi F: Inactivation of tumor suppressor gene p53 in colorectal carcinoma: clinical significance. Presented at the 102nd Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Palm Desert, CA; November, 1994
48. Gasparitis AE, Michelassi F: Novel bowel-sparing surgery for Crohn's disease: description and radiographic appearance. Presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL; November, 1994
49. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Prospective analysis of 100 colectomies for ulcerative colitis performed by a single surgeon. Presented to the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; February, 1995
50. Takanishi DM, Keleman PR, Rameson J, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA: Chromosome 8 allelic losses signify invasiveness in colorectal carcinoma. Presented at the Residents' Program of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society of University Surgeons, Denver, CO; February, 1995
51. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Prospective analysis of 100 colectomies for ulcerative colitis performed by a single surgeon. Presented to the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Society, Cleveland, OH; March, 1995
52. Arenas, R. Chmura S, Otto G, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA: In vivo expression of a human tumor suppressor gene in rat and mouse colon epithelium. Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Boston, MA; March, 1995
53. Takanishi DM, Westbrook CA, Keleman PR, Yaremko ML, Kim AH, Ramesar JE, Harrigan SH, Montag AG, Michelassi F: Chromosome 8p loss in colorectal cancer correlates with tumor invasiveness. 31st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Los Angeles, CA; May, 1995
54. Sinicrope FA, Hart J, Michelassi F, Lee JJ: Prognostic value of BCL-2 and p53 oncogene expression in lymph node-negative colon cancer. Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association, San Diego, CA; May, 1995
55. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Prospective study of incidence, timing and treatment of pouchitis in 103 consecutive patients after restorative proctocolectomy. Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Illinois Surgical Society, Springfield, IL; September, 1995
56. Takanishi D, Michelassi F: Ploidy as a prognostic feature in colon adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Illinois Surgical Society, Springfield, IL; September, 1995
57. Michelassi F: Preliminary results of a prospective randomized study comparing traditional versus extended retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy with resection of an adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; November, 1995
58. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Prospective study of incidence, timing and treatment of pouchitis in 104 consecutive patients after restorative proctocolectomy. Presented at the 103rd Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Chicago, IL; November, 1995
59. Takanishi D, Michelassi F: Ploidy as a prognostic feature in colon adenocarcinoma. Presented at the 103rd Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Chicago, IL; November, 1995
60. Hurst RD, Molinari M, Rubin M, Michelassi F: Prospective study of incidence, timing and treatment of pouchitis in 104 consecutive patients after restorative proctocolectomy. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; November, 1995
61. Fichera A, Michelassi F, Arenas R, Mok P, Blanco M: Introduction of human APC gene in Min mice via cationic liposomes. Presented at the 38th Annual University Residents' Conference of the Society of University Surgeons, Washington, DC; February, 1996
62. Arenas R, Fichera A, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA, Mok P: Introduction of human APC gene in Min mice via cationic liposomes. Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Society, Minneapolis, MN; March, 1996
63. Arenas R, Fichera A, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA, Mok P: Introduction of human APC gene in Min mice via cationic liposomes. Presented at the Annual Spring Meeting of the Illinois Chapter and Metropolitan Chicago Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL; April, 1996
64. Arenas R, Fichera A, Blanco M, Westbrook CA, Michelassi F: Introduction of human APC gene into Min mice via cationic liposomes. Presented at the 3rd Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1996
65. Takanishi DM, Hart J, Covarelli, Chappell R, Michelassi F: Ploidy as a prognostic feature in colonic adenocarcinoma. Presented at the 3rd Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1996
66. Arenas R, Fichera A, Hurst RD, Michelassi F, Testa G: Early presentation of colorectal carcinoma in older patients with ulcerative colitis. Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Illinois Surgical Society, Linchfield Park, AZ; September, 1996
67. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Functional results in patients with pouchitis. Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Illinois Surgical Society, Linchfield Park, AZ; September, 1996
68. Arenas R, Fichera A, Guo Y, Michelassi F: Quantitation of in vivo gene delivery by restriction enzyme PCR generated polymorphism. Presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery, Chicago, IL; November, 1996
69. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Functional results in pouchitis. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; November, 1996
70. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Functional results in pouchitis. Presented at the 104th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Portland, OR; November, 1996
71. Arenas RB, Testa G, Fichera A, Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Early presentation of colorectal cancer in older patients with ulcerative colitis. Presented at the 104th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Portland, OR; November, 1996
72. Arenas RB, Fichera A, Mhoon D, Michelassi F: Incidence and therapeutic implications of synchronous colonic pathology in colorectal adenocarcinoma. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; December 1996
73. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Prospective study of the features, indications and surgical treatment in 513 consecutive patients affected by Crohn's disease. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; February, 1997
74. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Michelassi F: High fat diet modulates polyp formation in a murine model for familial polyposis. Presented at the 39th Annual University Surgical Residents' Conference of the Society of University Surgeons, Tampa, FL; February, 1997
75. Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Prospective study of the features, indications and surgical treatment in 513 consecutive patients affected by Crohn's disease. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association, Chicago, IL; March, 1997
76. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Mhoon D, Michelassi F: Incidence and therapeutic implications of synchronous colonic pathology in colorectal adenocarcinoma. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association, Chicago, IL; March, 1997
77. Romero L, Fichera A, Laughlin R, Alverdy JC, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: Oral gene delivery by cationic liposomes in a murine model. Presented at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine's 51st Annual Senior Scientific Session, Chicago, IL; May, 1997
78. Romero L, Fichera A, Laughlin R, Alverdy JC, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: Oral gene delivery by cationic liposomes in a murine model. Presented at the 4th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1997
79. Arenas RB, Fichera A, Romero L, Mhoon D, Michelassi F. Low lying rectal cancer: Indications for sphincter preserving surgery. Presented at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine's 51st Annual Senior Scientific Session, Chicago, IL; May, 1997
80. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Michelassi F, Mosca F, Pederzoli P. Is the extended lymphadenectomy in the surgical treatment of pancreatic head cancer able to improve survival? Results of a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial. Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Pancreas Club, Bethesda, MD; May, 1997
81. Arenas RB, Fichera A, Romero L, Mhoon D, Michelassi F. Low lying rectal cancer: Indications for sphincter preserving surgery. Presented at the 4th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery o f the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1997
82. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Michelassi F. Expression of liposomally delivered carcinoembryonic antigen promoter correlates with CEA secretion in human cancer cell lines. Presented at the 4th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery of the University of Chicago., Chicago, IL; May, 1997
83. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Michelassi F: Selective expression of liposomally delivered carcinoembryonic antigen promoter n human cancer cells. Presented at the 96th Annual Convention of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Philadelphia, PA; June, 1997
84. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Mosca F, Pederzoli P, Pasquali C, Kloppel G, Dhaene K, Michelassi F: Standard vs. extended lymphadenectomy associated with pancreaticoduodenectomy in the surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma in the head of the pancreas: a multicentric, prospective, randomized study. Presented at the European Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Hamburg, Germany; June, 1997
85. Arenas RB, Fichera A, Mhoon D, Romero L, Michelassi F: Total mesenteric excision in the surgical treatment of rectal adenocarcinoma: a prospective study. Presented at the 105th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Colorado Springs, CO; November, 1997
86. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Mosca F, Pederzoli P, Pasquali C, Kloppel G, Dhaene K, Michelassi F: Standard vs. extended lymphadenectomy associated with pancreaticoduodenectomy in the surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma in the head of the pancreas: a multicentric, prospective, randomized study. Presented at the 118th Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, Palm Beach, FL; April, 1998
87. Arenas RB, McClelland M, Fichera A, Michelassi F: Tumor suppressor gene therapy using the adenomatous polyposis coli gene reduces intestinal neoplasia. Presented at the 5th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1998
88. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Mhoon D, Michelassi F: Prospective assessment of functional results after proctectomy with coloanal anastomosis. Presented at the 5th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1998
89. Michelassi F: Standard vs. extended lymphadenectomy associated with pancreaticoduodenectomy and the surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas. A multicenter, prospective randomized study. Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Illinois Surgical Society, Sea Island, GA; September, 1998
90. Lew JI, Guo Y, Arenas RB, Fichera A, Michelassi F: Tumor suppressor gene therapy using human adenomatous polyposis coli gene reduces cyclooxygenase-2 levels in APC in Min mice. Presented at the 41st Annual University Surgical Residents' Conference of the Society of University Surgeons, New Orleans, LA; February, 1999
91. Lew J, McClelland DM, Guo Y, Fichera A, Michelassi F, Arenas R: Tumor suppressor gene therapy using the adenomatosis polyposis coli gene reduces intestinal neoplasia. Presented at the 52nd Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Orlando, FL; March, 1999
92. Hurst R, Michelassi F: Bowel sparing surgery in extensive Crohn's disease: Prospective longitudinal study of a new procedure. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; March, 1999
93. Rosen S, Buell J, Keszuba S, Yoshida A, Michelassi F, Hurst R, Millis J, Posner M: Initial presentation with stage iv colorectal cancer: How aggressive should we be? Presented at the 107th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Santa Fe, NM; November, 1999
94. Michelassi F: Side-to-side isoperistaltic strictureplasty: A new procedure for Crohn's disease. Presented at the invitation Clinic Day of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association, Chicago, IL; March, 2000
95. Lew JI, Kim RK, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: The additive effects of APC gene therapy and Cox-2 inhibitors reduce intestinal neoplasia. Presented at the Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL; March, 2000
96. Michelassi F, Melis M, Rubin M, Hurst RD: Surgical treatment of perineal complications of Crohn's disease. Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association, Chicago, IL; March, 2000
97. Buell JF, Rosen S, Yoshida A, Labow D, Limsrichnrern S, Cronin DC, Bruce DS, Michelassi F, Millis JM, Posner MC: Hepatic resection: effective treatment for primary and secondary liver tumors. Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association. Chicago, IL; March, 2000
98. Michelassi F, Melis M, Rubin M, Hurst RD: Bowel sparing surgery in extensive Crohn's disease: Prospective longitudinal study of a new procedure. Presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, Philadelphia, PA; April, 2000
99. Lew JI, Guo Y, Kim RK, Vargish L, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: Combined APC gene therapy and Cox-2 inhibition reduces intestinal neoplasia. Presented at the 7th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 2000
100. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Melis MV, Michelassi F: Long term functional results after proctectomy with coloanal anastomosis. Presented at the 7th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 2000
101. Lew JI, Vargish L, Kim RK, Guo Y, Michelassi F, Arenas RB: Tumor suppressor gene therapy and Cox-2 inhibition additively reduces intestinal neoplasia. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, San Diego, CA; May, 2000
102. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Melis MV, Michelassi F: Prospective assessment of functional results after proctectomy with coloanal anastomosis. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, San Diego, CA; May, 2000
103. Hurst RD, Crucitti P, Melis M, Rubin M, Gottlieb L, Michelassi F: Primary myocutaneous flap closure of the perineal wound following proctectomy for perineal complications of Crohn's disease: a prospective feasibility study. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association, Tucson, AZ; March, 2001
104. Sarr M, Traverso W, Michelassi F: Vapreotide, a potent long-acting s omatostatin analogue does not decrease pancreas-related complications after elective pancreatectomy - A multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placeabo-controlled study. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Pancreas Club, San Francisco, CA; May, 2002
105. Lee J, Michelassi F: Long-term functional results following restorative proctocolectomy with J-pouch ileoanal anastomosis. Eighth Annual Summer Research Forum, The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL; August, 2002
106. Sarr M, Traverso W, Michelassi F: Vapreotide, a potent long-acting somatostatin analogue does not decrease pancreas-related complications after elective pancreatectomy - A multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placeabo-controlled study. Presented at the 88th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA; October, 2002
107. Michelassi F: Recent advances in bowel sparing surgery in Crohn's disease. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Organization for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IOIBD), Cap Ferrat, France; April 11, 2003
108. Michelassi F, Lee J, Rubin M. Fichera A, Kasza K, Karrison T, Hurst RD: Long term functional results after ileal pouch anal restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis: A prospective observational study. Presented at the 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, Washington, DC; April, 2003
109. Michelassi F, Lee JY, Fichera A, Hurst RD: Long term assessment of functional results after ileal pouch anal restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis: A prospective observational study. Presented at the 9th Annual Charles Huggins Research Conference, Chicago, IL; May, 2003
110. Wolff BG, Michelassi F, Gerkin TM, the Alvimopan Postoperative Ileus Study Group. Alvimopan, a novel, peripherally acting mu opioid antagonist: Results of a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase III trial of major abdominal surgery and postoperative ileus (Study 14CL313). Presented at the 124th Annual Meeting of the American Surgical Association, San Francisco, CA; April, 2004
111. Fichera A, McCormack R, Rubin M, Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Long term outcome of surgically treated Crohn's colitis. Is a more aggressive approach warranted? A prospective long term study. Presented at the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX; May, 2004
112. Mezhir J, Smith K, Fichera A, Michelassi F, Hart J, Posner M, Hurst R: Longitudinal extent of microscopic disease following neoadjuvant combined modality therapy for adenocarcinoma of the rectum. Does the 2 cm rule still apply? A prospective pathologic study. Presented at the 10th Annual Charles Huggins Research Conference, Chicago, IL; May, 2004
113. Michelassi F: Presidential Address: To impart this art: The didactic mission. Presented at the 112th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, Las Vegas, NV; November 2004
114. Fichera A, Michelassi F, Lovadina S, Rubin M, Cimino F, Hurst R: Patterns and surgical treatment of recurrent Crohn's disease: A prospective longitudinal study. Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association, Louisville, KY; March 2006
115. Michelassi F: Presidential Address: The discovery of new knowledge: Our scientific mission. Presented at the Central Surgical Association Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY; March 2006
116. Fichera A, Ragauskaite L, Rosman AS, Rubin MA, Hurst RD, Michelassi F: Preserving the anal transition zone in ulcerative colitis: Long term effects on defecatory function. Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Washington, DC; May 2007

1. Jacoby RF, Erroi F, Westbrook C, Brasitus TA, Michelassi F. Genetic alterations in human gastric and pancreatic carcinomas are similar to colon cancer. Presented at the Digestive Disease Week Meeting, Washington, D.C.; May, 1989
2. Ruol A, Stevens JK, Michelassi F, Segalin A, Little AG, Peracchia A, Skinner DB. Ras oncogene p21 expression in esophageal cancer. Presented at the Fourth Meeting of the International Society of Diseases of the Esophagus, Chicago, IL; September, 1989
3. Westbrook CA, Neuman WL, Jacoby RF, Wasylyshyn M, Angriman I, Erroi F, Michelassi F. Similar genetic alterations occur in gastric, pancreatic and colorectal carcinomas. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Genetics, Cincinnati, OH; October, 1990
4. Vannucci L, Huggins CB, Michelassi F, Mosca F. A simple method for colonic carcinogenesis in rats. Presented at the 5th International Symposium on Colorectal Cancer, Turin, Italy; October, 1991
5. Gasparitis AE, Michelassi F, Nelson RL. Proctography of perirectal inflammatory bowel disease. Presented at the 77th Radiological National Society of America, Chicago, IL; December, 1991
6. Kavin H, Schraut F, Michelassi F. Pouch-Anal dynamics and function after restorative proctocolectomy in ulcerative colitis. Presented at the American Gastroenterological Association, Digestive Diseases Week Meeting, San Francisco, CA; May, 1992
7. Pedrazzoli S, DiCarlo V, Dionigi R, Mosca F, Pederzoli P, Block GE, Michelassi F. Morbidity and mortality of radical lymphadenectomy in curative resection of adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas. Presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Pancreas Club, San Francisco, CA; May, 1992
8. Yaremko ML, Wasylyshyn M, Paulus K, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA. Regional localization of a chromosome 8 tumor suppressor gene involved in gastrointestinal malignancies. Presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA; May, 1992
9. Michelassi F, Balestracci T, Stella M, Giuliante F, Marogna P, Block GE. Incidence, diagnosis and treatment of enteric and colorectal fistulae in 639 consecutive Crohn's patients. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, San Francisco, CA; June, 1992
10. Arenas R, Testa G, Block GE, Michelassi F. Cancer and ulcerative colitis: A clinico-pathological review. Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Houston, TX; March, 1994
11. Arenas R, DePaoli A, Michelassi F, Westbrook C. APC gene expression during colonic epithelial differentiation. Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Houston, TX; March, 1994
12. Fleshner PR, Michelassi F. Does cyclosporine adversely influence the morbidity of subtotal colectomy in severe ulcerative colitis? Presented at the 93rd Annual Convention of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Orlando, FL; May, 1994
13. Keleman PR, Yaremko ML, Kim A, Montag A, Michelassi F, Westbrook C. Loss of heterozygosity in 8p is associated with microinvasion in colorectal carcinoma. Presented at the 1st Annual Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery, the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1994
14. Takanishi DM, Keleman PR, Kim AH, Yaremko ML, Harrigan SK, Montag AG, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA. Chromosome 8 deletions in colorectal carcinoma: localization and clinical significance. Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Montreal, Canada; October, 1994
15. Takanishi DM, Keleman PR, Kim AH, Yaremko ML, Harrigan SK, Montag AG, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA. Chromosome 8 deletions in colorectal carcinoma: localization and clinical significance. Presented at the 2nd Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery, the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1995
16. Arenas R, Kim S.Y, DePaoli A, Musch MM, Michelassi F, Westbrook CA. APC gene expression remains constant during colonic epithelial differentiation. Presented at the 2nd Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery, the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1995
17. Fichera A. Molinari M. Cambronero E, Arenas R, Michelassi F. Incidence and therapeutic implications of synchronous colonic pathology in colorectal adenocarcinoma. Presented at the 2nd Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery, the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1995
18. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Guo Y, Michelassi F. Quantitation of in vivo gene delivery by restriction enzyme PCR generated polymorphism. Presented at the 3rd Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery, the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1996
19. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Guo Y, Michelassi F. Quantitation of in vivo gene delivery by restriction enzymes PCR generated polymorphism. 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories Meetings: Cancer Genetics and Tumor Suppressor Genes, Cold Spring Harbor, NY; August, 1996
20. Fichera A, Arenas RB, Michelassi F. Expression of liposomally delivered carcinoembryonic antigen promoter correlates with CEA secretion in human cancer cell lines. Presented at the 50th Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Chicago, IL, March, 1997
21. Romero L. Fichera A, Laughlin R, Alverdy JC, Michelassi F, Arenas RB. Oral gene delivery by cationic liposomes in a murine model. Presented at the 4th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery, the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1997
22. Taylor MD, Fichera A, Michelassi F, Arenas RB. The role of apoptosis and tumorigenesis in the APC mutated SW480 human colon cancer cell line. Presented at the 5th Charles Huggins Research Conference of the Department of Surgery, the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; May, 1998
23. Taylor MD, Lew JI, Fichera A, Michelassi F, Arenas RB. The role of APC mediated apoptosis after gene replacement in SW480 colon cancer cell line. Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Orlando, FL, March 1999
24. Fichera A, Michelassi F, Melis M, Rubin M, Hurst RD. Ileovaginal fistulae in Crohn's disease. Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Boston, MA; June, 2000
25. Fichera A, Arenas R, Melis M, Rubin M, Hurst RD, Michelassi F. Gastrointestinal malignancies in inflammatory bowel disease. Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Boston, MA, June, 2000

1. Rectal carcinoma. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. New York, NY; December, 1987
2. Ras oncogene expression in pre-malignant and malignant colonic lesions. Roswell Park Memorial Institute. Buffalo, NY; January, 1988
3. Past, present and future treatment of colorectal adenocarcinoma. North Shore University Hospital. Long Island, NY; December, 1988
4. Sphincter saving procedures for rectal cancer. Palos Community Hospital. Palos Heights, IL; March, 1989
5. Surgical options for the treatment of rectal cancer. Little Company of Mary Hospital. Evergreen Park, IL; April, 1989
6. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Little Company of Mary Hospital. Evergreen Park, IL; March, 1990
7. Perspectives in the management of colorectal carcinoma. LaGrange Memorial Hospital. LaGrange, IL; May, 1990
8. Advances in the treatment of pancreatic and rectal cancer. Kishwaukee Community Hospital. DeKalb, IL; December, 1990
9. Surgical treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Holy Cross Community Hospital. Chicago, IL; October, 1991
10. Pancreatectomy with extended retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy in the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Palos Community Hospital. Palos Heights, IL; November, 1991
11. Surgical management of Crohn's disease. New York University. New York, NY; May, 1992
12. Ileal pouch-anal restorative proctocolectomy: results and controversies. Baylor University. Dallas, TX; December, 1992
13. Ileal pouch-anal restorative proctocolectomy in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Columbia University. New York, NY; April, 1993
14. Extended lymphadenectomy in the surgical treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Northwestern University. Chicago, IL; August, 1993
15. Surgical treatment and prognosis of colorectal cancer and implications of common molecular biologic alterations. Case Western Reserve University. Cleveland, OH; January, 1994
16. Restorative proctocolectomy in ulcerative colitis. Cleveland Surgical Society. Cleveland, OH; January, 1994
17. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Chicago, IL; April, 1994
18. Surgical treatment of resectable and unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Roswell Park. Buffalo, NY; May, 1995
19. Incidence, diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. 1996 Cancer Update. American Cancer Society. Indiana Division - District I. Munster, IN; October, 1996
20. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma: An update from the bench to the bedside. Loyola University of Chicago. Maywood, IL; November, 1997
21. Surgical treatment of resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Northwestern University. Chicago, IL; April, 1998
22. Surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. University of California, Davis-East Bay. Oakland, CA; January, 1999
23. Hereditary colon cancer. New York University. New York, NY; July, 1999
24. Controversies in the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Mount Sinai Hospital. New York, NY; March, 2000
25. Advances in surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA; June, 2000
26. Current management of Crohn's disease. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Newark, NJ; February, 2001
27. Recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Medical College of Ohio. Toledo, OH; January, 2002
28. Surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease: Indications and operative strategies. The Toledo Surgical Society. Toledo, OH; January, 2002
29. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. University of Tennessee. Memphis, TN; May, 2003
30. Restorative proctocolectomy with ileal-pouch anastomosis for ulcerative colitis. Memphis Surgical Society. Memphis, TN; May 2003
31. Bowel sparing techniques in the treatment of Crohn's disease. Weill Medical College of Cornell University. New York, NY; July, 2003
32. Bowel sparing procedures for Crohn's disease. Advances in Surgery: A Scientific Symposium in honor of David B. Skinner, M.D. Chicago, IL; October 2003
33. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Long Island Jewish Medical Center. New York, NY; March, 2005
34. Surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas: is an extended lymphadenectomy beneficial? New York Presbyterian Hospital of Queens, Queens, NY, April 2005
35. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of abdominal and perineal complications of Crohn's disease. Department of Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. New York, NY; September, 2005
36. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Department of Surgery, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. New York, NY; October, 2005
37. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University. New York, NY; October, 2005
38. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. CCFA-Long Island Chapter. Garden City, NY; December , 2005
39. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Department of Surgery, Wycoff Heights Hospital. Brooklyn, NY; January, 2006
40. Recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; April, 2006
41. Controversies in the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: is an extended lymphadenectomy beneficial? Department of Surgery, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ; May, 2006
42. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Department of Surgery, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; June, 2006
43. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Department of Surgery, Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY; June, 2006
44. Recent advances and modern principles in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX; January, 2007
45. Extended lymphadenectomy in the surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas. Department of Surgery, The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX; January, 2007
46. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Department of Surgery, St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY; February, 2007
47. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Department of Surgery, SUNY?Stony Brook University Health Sciences Center, Stony Brook, NY; April, 2007
48. Modern principles and recent advances in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. 2nd Annual Surgical Symposium of the New York Chapters of the American College of Surgeons, Bolton Landing, NY; April, 2007

1. Pancreatic abscess. University of Padova. Padova, Italy; March, 1988
2. Surgical procedures for the treatment of rectal carcinoma. University of Padova. Padova, Italy; March, 1988
3. Laboratory and clinical rational for the treatment of rectal carcinoma. University of Pisa. Pisa, Italy; April, 1988
4. Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. Servico de Cirurgia de Aparato Digestivo II. Instituto Nacional de la Salud. Madrid, Spain;
April, 1991
5. Functional results after restorative proctocolectomy with ileal J pouch-anal anastomosis. Universita di Milano, San Raffaele Hospital.
Milano, Italy; June, 1992
6. Surgical training in the United States. Scuola S. Anna. Pisa, Italy; April, 1993
7. Anorectal Crohn's disease: Indications for surgical treatment, technique and results. University of Pisa. Pisa, Italy; June, 1994
8. Surgical treatment in ulcerative colitis. University of Pisa. Pisa, Italy; June, 1994
9. Ano-rectal and urogenital function after proctectomy for rectal cancer. University of Pisa. Pisa, Italy; July, 1995
10. Strictureplasty in Crohn's disease. University of Pisa. Pisa, Italy; July, 1995
11. Total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer. University of Pisa. Pisa, Italy; December, 1997
12. Recent developments of surgical treatment for Crohn's disease. Academia Medica di Roma. Roma, Italy; April, 1999
13. Recent advances in the surgical treatment of abdominal complications in Crohn's Disease. Bejing University. Bejing, China; July 2004
14. Recent advances in the surgical treatment of abdominal complications in Crohn's Disease. Hamad Medical Corporation. Doha, Qatar; February, 2005
15. Controversies in the surgical treatment of Crohn's colitis. Nuffield Department of Surgery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England; January, 2006
16. Challenges in the surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Nuffield Department of Surgery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England; January, 2006

1. Rates of surgical recurrence in Crohn's patients. Digestive Disease Week. AGA Clinical Symposium. New Orleans, LA; May, 1991
2. Multimodality treatment of rectal adenocarcinoma. 77th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October, 1991
3. Treatment of complications of ano-rectal Crohn's disease. 22nd Annual Spring Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Washington, DC; April, 1994
4. Strictureplasty in extensive Crohn's disease. 36th Annual Meeting of SSAT. San Diego, CA; May 16, 1995
5. The role of strictureplasty in the management of extensive Crohn's disease. Postgraduate Course on Gastrointestinal Disease at the 82nd Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. San Francisco, CA; October, 1996
6. Dysplasia, cancer and ulcerative colitis: Surveillance versus prophylactic surgery. What operation? Colon and Rectal Surgery Session at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October, 1997
7. Extent of resection in adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas. Postgraduate Course on Interfaces in Treatment of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases at The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. New Orleans, LA; May, 1998
8. The challenging perineal wound. Postgraduate Course in Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery at the 84th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Orlando, FL; October, 1998.
9. Cancer of the colon and rectum. Postgraduate Course in Gastrointestinal Diseases at the 84th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Orlando, FL; October, 1998.
10. Cancer arising in ulcerative or Crohn's colitis: Timing and extent of surgery. 52nd Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology. Orlando, FL; March, 1999
11. Extended lymphadenectomy during pancreatoduodenectomy for cancer of the pancreas. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Pancreas Club. Orlando, FL; May, 1999
12. Regional node management in gastrointestinal cancer. 85th Annual Meeting of the Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. San Francisco, CA; October, 1999
13. Surgical treatment of abdominal fistulas in Crohn's disease. DDW Combined Clinical Symposium. San Diego, CA; May, 2000
14. Staging Pancreatic Cancers: Why and how. Postgraduate Course on Pancreatic and Hepatobiliary Diseases at the 86th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October, 2000
15. Indications to surgical treatment in inflammatory bowel disease. Postgraduate Course on Inflammatory Bowel Disease at the 86th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October, 2000
16. Extended lymphadenectomy is required in pancreatic malignancies. 2000 Hepatobiliary Surgery Forum at AASLD/AHPBA. Dallas, TX; October, 2000
17. Modern surgical treatment in inflammatory bowel disease. 2001 WOCN Meeting. Portland, OR; June 2001
18. Small bowel disease: Surgical strategies. Postgraduate Course on Crohn's Disease: Evolving Therapeutics at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October, 2006
19. Inflammatory bowel disease and cancer. SAGES/SSAT/AHPBA Joint Symposium on Evidence Based Approaches to Colorectal Cancer at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October, 2006

1. Surgical treatment of pancreatitis and its complications. 44th Annual Midwest Clinical Conference. Chicago, IL; March, 1988
2. Surgical options for the treatment of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Cook County Graduate School. Chicago, IL; April, 1989.
3. Adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in gastrointestinal tract tumors. Cook County Graduate School. Chicago, IL; May, 1990
4. Newer perspectives in the treatment of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Cook County Graduate School. Chicago, IL; May, 1990
5. New alternatives in the surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis: the ileo-anal pullthrough pouch procedure. 47th Annual Midwest Clinical Conference. Chicago, IL; March, 1991
6. Periampullary tumors. Cook County Graduate School. Chicago, IL; April, 1991
7. Update on colorectal carcinoma. The National Center for Advanced Medical Education. Chicago, IL; April, 1992
8. Role of extended lymph node resection in rectal carcinoma. X Annual Controversies, Problems and Techniques in Surgery. New York, NY; December, 1993
9. Prognostic features in colorectal adenocarcinoma. XV Annual Symposium on Colorectal Surgery. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, OH; November, 1994
10. Complex anorectal Crohn's: Surgical management. XV Annual Symposium on Colorectal Surgery. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, OH; November, 1994
11. Surgical management of complicated Crohn's cases. II Annual Conference on Crohn's Disease. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, OH; March, 1995
12. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Surgery: Timing it Right. American College of Gastroenterology; Annual Postgraduate Course. New York, NY; October, 1995
13. Surgical Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. American College of Gastroenterology; Annual Postgraduate Course. New York, NY; October, 1995
14. Advances in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. The Dr. Manuel E. Lichtenstein Memorial Lecture. The National Center for Advanced Medical Education. Chicago, IL; September, 1998
15. Operative treatment of colorectal cancer. The National Center for Advanced Medical Education. Chicago, IL; September, 1998
16. Why palliate when there is a cure. Symposium on Pancreatic Cancer: Update, Outcomes and Reality at Southern California Society of Gastroenterology. Santa Monica, CA; September, 1998.
17. Update in surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. What's new in General Surgery. 21st Annual Postgraduate Course at the University of California, Davis. Sacramento, CA; January, 1999
18. Management of dysplasia and cancer in ulcerative colitis. What's new in General Surgery. 21st Annual Postgraduate Course at the University of California, Davis. Sacramento, CA; January, 1999
19. Controversies in colorectal cancer. What's new in General Surgery. 21st Annual Postgraduate Course at the University of California, Davis. Sacramento, CA; January, 1999
20. Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Postgraduate Conference. ACS, Iowa Chapter. Iowa City, IO; November, 2002
21. Controversies in the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: is an extended lymphadenectomy beneficial? Postgraduate Course on Current Topics in General Surgery. Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX; April, 2005
22. Modern surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis. Postgraduate Course on Current Topics in General Surgery. Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX; April, 2005
23. Surgical challenges in Crohn's disease. Update in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Columbia University and Weill Medical College of Cornell University in conjunction with New York Presbyterian Hospital. New York, NY; December, 2005
24. Bowel sparing procedures for Crohn's disease. 22nd Annual Symposium on Controversies, Problems and Techniques in Surgery. Montefiore Hospital of Einstein University, New York, NY; December, 2005.
25. Controversies in surgery for Crohn's disease. 22nd Annual Symposium on Controversies, Problems and Techniques in Surgery. Montefiore Hospital of Einstein University, New York, NY; December, 2005.
26. Bowel sparing procedures. Update in Pediatric Gastroenterology. Weill Medical College, New York, NY; April 2006.
27. Extensive jejuno-ileal disease: The role of bowel sparing procedures. SSAT Postgraduate Course. Los Angeles, CA; May 2006
28. Bowel sparing procedures in extreme Crohn's disease. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Summit. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; October 2006

1. Prognostic factors in colorectal cancer. XXIV Annual Postgraduate Course of Saint-Antoine Hospital. Paris, France; November, 1993
2. Strictureplasty: for the short- and long-term. 1995 Update on Digestive Disease for Physicians and Surgeons. Divisions of Gastroenterology and General Surgery at Mt. Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada; November, 1995
3. Hereditary colon cancer. X International Postgraduate Course in Surgery. Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain; May, 2000
4. Strictureplasty in Crohn's disease. X International Postgraduate Course in Surgery. Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain, May, 2000
5. Recent advances in the surgical treatment of abdominal complications of Crohn's disease. Hong Kong Surgical Forum. Queen Mary Hospital. Hong Kong; July, 2004
6. Role of an extended lymphadenectomy in the surgical treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Hong Kong Surgical Forum. Queen Mary Hospital. Hong Kong, July, 2004
7. Incidence, diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. State of the Art Lecture. 50th Hong Kong Surgical Forum. Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong; July 2007
8. To impart this art: surgical education and training in the U.S. 50th Hong Kong Surgical Forum. Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong; July 2007
9. To impart this art: surgical education and training in the U.S. 12th Joint Shanghai-Hong Kong Surgical Convention. Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai; July 2007
10. Controversies in the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease. 12th Joint Shanghai-Hong Kong Surgical Convention. Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai; July 2007

(as panelist or presiding officer)
1. General Surgery Motion Picture Session I. Panelist. 78th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. New Orleans, LA; October 11-16, 1992
2. Symposium on Unusual Problems in Surgery. Presiding Officer. 79th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. San Francisco, CA; October 12, 1993
3. Cine Clinic on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Presiding Officer. 80th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October 11, 1994
4. General Surgery Motion Picture Session II. Presiding Officer. 81st Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. New Orleans, LA; October 24, 1995
5. General Surgery Motion Picture II. Presiding Officer. 83rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October 12-17, 1997
6. IBD Forum: Symposium on Management of Complex Perianal Crohn's Disease in the New Millennium. Panelist. American Gastroenterological Association. New Orleans, LA; May, 1998
7. Gastrointestinal Cancer Session. Presiding Officer. 52nd Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology. Orlando, FL; March, 1999
8. Clinical Workshop Through Films. Presiding Officer. 85th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. San Francisco, CA; October, 1999
9. Postgraduate Course on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Presiding Officer. 86th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October, 2000
10. Meet the Professor Breakfast. Extended Pancreatic Resection for Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas. Panelist. 55th Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology. Denver, CO; March, 2002
11. Controversies in the Management of Rectal Cancer. Moderator. 55th Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology. Denver, CO; March, 2002
12. Pancreatic Pseudocyst and Abscess. Presiding Officer. Postgraduate Course of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. Orlando, FL; May, 2003
13. Cine Clinic on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Presiding Officer. 90th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October, 2004
14. Meet the Professor Lunch. Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Chair and Panelist. Digestive Disease Week. 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. Chicago, IL; May, 2005
15. Fistulizing Crohn's Disease. Co-Chairman. Digestive Disease Week. Combined AGA/SSAT Clinical Symposium. Chicago, IL; May, 2005
16. Paper Session II. Presiding Officer. 91st Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. San Francisco, CA; October, 2005
17. Plenary Session IV. Moderator. 59th Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology. San Diego, CA; March 2006
18. Diagnosis, Surveillance and Treatment of Dysplasia in the Gastrointestinal Tract. Moderator. 34th Annual Spring Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Dallas, TX; April 2006
19. ACS/SAGES 2006 Assembly: Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Co-Moderator. 34th Annual Spring Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Dallas, TX; April 2006
20. Health & Wellness Seminar: Big Surgeries through Small Incisions. Moderator. New York Presbyterian Hospital and Weill Medical College of Cornell University Seminar Series. New York, NY; May 2006
21. Crohn's Disease. Moderator. SSAT Postgraduate Course. Los Angeles, CA; May 2006
22. Health & Wellness Seminar: Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Advancing the treatment of Crohn's and Colitis. Moderator. New York Presbyterian Hospital and Weill Medical College of Cornell University Seminar Series. New York, NY; October 2006
23. Benign Disease of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Moderator: Small Bowel Disease. 92nd Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, IL; October 2006
24. First Annual IBD/ACG/NASPGHAN Updates: Impact of New Therapies on Old Strategies: Interactive Med/Surg. Case Discussions. Co-Moderator. New York Presbyterian Hospital and Weill Medical College of Cornell University Department of Surgery, Division of Gastroenterology and Section of Colorectal Surgery Series. New York, NY; November 2006
25. Everything you wanted to know about GIST. Moderator. 35th Annual Spring Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Las Vegas, NV; April 2007
26. Quick Shots Session. Moderator. Society of Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. Washington, DC; May 2007

(as panelist or presiding officer)
1. General Surgery Motion Picture Session. Presiding Officers: F. Michelassi (USA), T. Chin (Japan). Third Meeting of the International Gastro-Surgical Club, Padova, Italy; June, 1992
2. Falk-Satellite Symposium on Surgical and Gastroenterological Interactions: Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Chairman. European Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association. Hamburg, Germany; June 10, 1997
3. Poster Session on Biliary Malignancies. Chairman. European Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association. Hamburg, Germany; June 11, 1997
4. Rectal Cancer Surgery and Extent of Lymphadenectomy. Presiding Officer. 2nd International Symposium on Sphincter Saving Surgery for Rectal Cancer. Milano, Italy; December 10-13, 1997
5. Consensus Conference: Extent of Lymphadenectomy in Rectal Cancer Surgery. Panelist. 2nd International Symposium on Sphincter Saving Surgery for Rectal Cancer. Milano, Italy; December 10-13, 1997
6. Consensus Conference: Pre or Postoperative Combined Modality Therapy. President. III International Symposium on Rectal Cancer Treatment. Milano, Italy; December, 1998
7. Meet the Professor Breakfast. Distal Resection Margins: Surgical Limit or False Problem? Panelist. III International Symposium on Rectal Cancer Treatment. Milano, Italy; December, 1998
8. Progress in Surgical Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Presiding Officer. Meeting of the International Society for Digestive Surgery. Yokohama, Japan; December, 2004
9. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery. Chairman. 12th Joint Shanghai-Hong Kong Surgical Convention, Rui Jin Hospital. Shanghai; July 2007


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Funding awarded

  • Is the Kono-S Anastomosis Protective of Surgical Recurrence in Crohn''s disease? A Prospective RCT  awarded by Crohn''s & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc. Principal Investigator 2022 - 2025
  • Analysis of biologic signatures in Crohn''s patients undergoing surgery  awarded by Crohn''s & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc. Principal Investigator 2023 - 2024
  • missing activity Principal Investigator 2018 - 2022
  • missing activity Co-Principal Investigator 2019 - 2023



full name

  • Fabrizio Michelassi

primary email

  • fam2006@med.cornell.edu

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    Tsumura, Inc.