Iman Hajirasouliha   Associate Professor of Physiology and Biophysics

  • +1 646 962 7804


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Funding awarded

  • Improving metagenomic analysis with novel algorithms and technologies  awarded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences Principal Investigator 2020 - 2025
  • Weakly-Supervised Tumor Purity Prediction from H&E Stained Slides  awarded by Starr Cancer Consortium Principal Investigator 2022 - 2024
  • missing activity Principal Investigator 2023 - 2023
  • The joint WCM-NYGC Center for Functional and Clinical Interpretation of Tumor Profiles  awarded by National Cancer Institute Co-Principal Investigator 2021 - 2026
  • Cross-platform structural variant discovery with deep learning  awarded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Principal Investigator Subaward 2022 - 2027
  • Machine learning in the identification of ultrasonographic features of olycystic Ovarian Morphology Principal Investigator Subaward 2023 - 2025



full name

  • Iman Hajirasouliha

primary email


External Relationships


  • Relationships and collaborations with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are of vital importance to our faculty because these exchanges of scientific information foster innovation. As experts in their fields, WCM physicians and scientists are sought after by many organizations to consult and educate. WCM and its faculty make this information available to the public, thus creating a transparent environment.

    Advisory/Scientific Board Member refers to a group of individuals who have been selected to advise a business regarding any number of issues (e.g., scientific advisory board member, medical advisory board member)Advisory/Scientific Board Member:
    Noor Sciences Inc.
    Ownership refers to any financial stake an individual owns in any company (e.g., stock options, equity interest)Ownership:
    Noor Sciences Inc.
    Speaker/Lecturer refers to an individual who conducts professional lectures, speeches, or presentations (e.g., educational speaking engagement, company sponsored speaker)Speaker/Lecturer:
    Fairtility LTD