publication venue for
- Revisiting the Defeatist Performance Belief Scale in Adults With Schizophrenia and Youth at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis: A Comprehensive Psychometric Analysis. 2025
- Evidence of Neurovascular Water Exchange and Endothelial Vascular Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: An Exploratory Study.. 49. 2023
- Two Factors, Five Factors, or Both? External Validation Studies of Negative Symptom Dimensions in Schizophrenia. 2022
- N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Antibody and White Matter Deficits in Schizophrenia Treatment-Resistance.. 47. 2021
- Allostatic Load Effects on Cortical and Cognitive Deficits in Essentially Normotensive, Normoweight Patients with Schizophrenia.. 47. 2021
- The Latent Structure of Negative Symptoms in Individuals With Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome and Early Psychosis: Support for the 5 Consensus Domains.. 47. 2021
- A White Matter Connection of Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's Disease.. 47. 2021
- Neurophysiological, Oculomotor, and Computational Modeling of Impaired Reading Ability in Schizophrenia.. 47. 2021
- Choroid Plexus Enlargement and Allostatic Load in Schizophrenia.. 46. 2020
- Cross-cultural Validation of the 5-Factor Structure of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia.. 45. 2019
- Relationship of Cognition to Clinical Response in First-Episode Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.. 41. 2015
- A Randomized Comparison of Aripiprazole and Risperidone for the Acute Treatment of First-Episode Schizophrenia and Related Disorders: 3-Month Outcomes.. 41. 2015
- Are Negative Symptoms Dimensional or Categorical? Detection and Validation of Deficit Schizophrenia With Taxometric and Latent Variable Mixture Models.. 41. 2014
- Guideline-concordant antipsychotic use and mortality in schizophrenia.. 39. 2012
- Priming of metabolic dysfunctions by prenatal immune activation in mice: relevance to schizophrenia.. 39. 2011
- Attention shaping: a reward-based learning method to enhance skills training outcomes in schizophrenia.. 35. 2008
- Genetic and state variables of neurocognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia: a twin study.. 26. 2000
- Schizophrenia in late life: elderly patients admitted to an acute care psychiatric hospital.. 19. 1993
- Examining the underlying structure of schizophrenic phenomenology: evidence for a three-process model.. 17. 1991
- Gender and schizophrenia outcome: a clinical trial of an inpatient family intervention.. 16. 1990
- Platelet monoamine oxidase activity in subgroups of schizophrenic disorders.. 6. 1980
- Two reviews of the literature on borderlines: an assessment.. 5. 1979
- A national plan for schizophrenia research: panel recommendations. Research resources. 1988
- Interventions to Address Medical Conditions and Health-Risk Behaviors Among Persons With Serious Mental Illness: A Comprehensive Review. 2015