publication venue for
- Deciphering the "Art" in Modeling and Simulation of the Knee Joint: Assessing Model Calibration Workflows and Outcomes.. 145. 2023
- Bayesian Calibration of Computational Knee Models to Estimate Subject-Specific Ligament Properties, Tibiofemoral Kinematics, and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Force With Uncertainty Quantification.. 145. 2023
- Finite Element Modeling of Planus and Rectus Foot Types for the Study of First Metatarsophalangeal and First Metatarsocuneiform Joint Contact Mechanics.. 144. 2022
- Loosening of Posteromedial Meniscal Root Repairs Affects Knee Mechanics: A Finite Element Study.. 144. 2022
- A Method to Compare Heterogeneous Types of Bone and Cartilage Meshes.. 143. 2021
- Deciphering the "Art" in Modeling and Simulation of the Knee Joint: Variations in Model Development.. 143. 2021
- Nonanatomic Placement of Posteromedial Meniscal Root Repairs: A Finite Element Study.. 142. 2020
- Kinematic Accuracy in Tracking Total Wrist Arthroplasty with Biplane Videoradiography using a CT-generated Model. 2019
- The Scaffold-Articular Cartilage Interface: A Combined In Vitro and In Silico Analysis Under Controlled Loading Conditions.. 140. 2018
- Structural and Chemical Modification to Improve Adhesive and Material Properties of Fibrin-Genipin for Repair of Annulus Fibrosus Defects in Intervertebral Disks.. 139. 2017
- Load Sharing Among Collateral Ligaments, Articular Surfaces, and the Tibial Post in Constrained Condylar Knee Arthroplasty.. 138. 2016
- Flow Instability Detected by High-Resolution Computational Fluid Dynamics in Fifty-Six Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysms.. 138. 2016
- A Multibody Knee Model Corroborates Subject-Specific Experimental Measurements of Low Ligament Forces and Kinematic Coupling During Passive Flexion.. 138. 2016
- Subject-Specific Carpal Ligament Elongation in Extreme Positions, Grip, and the Dart Thrower's Motion.. 137. 2015
- The Single-Incision Sling to Treat Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Dynamic Computational Study of Outcomes and Risk Factors.. 137. 2015
- A technique for quantifying wrist motion using four-dimensional computed tomography: approach and validation.. 137. 2015
- Asymmetric varus and valgus stability of the anatomic cadaver knee and the load sharing between collateral ligaments and bearing surfaces.. 136. 2014
- Using a statistically calibrated biphasic finite element model of the human knee joint to identify robust designs for a meniscal substitute.. 136. 2014
- Modeling degenerative disk disease in the lumbar spine: a combined experimental, constitutive, and computational approach.. 134. 2012
- A novel device to apply controlled flexion and extension to the rat knee following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.. 134. 2012
- Cartilage thickness distribution affects computational model predictions of cervical spine facet contact parameters.. 133. 2011
- The micromechanical role of the annulus fibrosus components under physiological loading of the lumbar spine.. 132. 2010
- Validation of cartilage thickness calculations using indentation analysis.. 132. 2010
- The effect of the shoe-surface interface in the development of anterior cruciate ligament strain.. 132. 2010
- Gender differences in capitate kinematics are eliminated after accounting for variation in carpal size.. 130. 2008
- Prediction of femoral head collapse in osteonecrosis.. 128. 2006
- Influence of stress magnitude on water loss and chondrocyte viability in impacted articular cartilage.. 125. 2003
- Design and validation of a machine for reproducible precision insertion of femoral hip prostheses for preclinical testing.. 122. 2000
- Effect of impact load on articular cartilage: cell metabolism and viability, and matrix water content.. 121. 1999
- Experimental studies on repair of large osteochondral defects at a high weight bearing area of the knee joint: a tissue engineering study.. 113. 1991
- Soft tissue attenuation of acoustic emission pulses.. 105. 1983