publication venue for
- Rare Abdominal Wall Metastasis following Curative Resection of Gastric Cancer: What Can Be Learned from the Use of Percutaneous Catheters? 2020
- Screening Colonoscopy Unmasking Colonic Metastasis from an Occult Breast Ductal Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. 2019
- Fulminant Diabetes in a Patient with Advanced Melanoma on Nivolumab. 2018
- Diaphragmatic Amyloidosis Causing Respiratory Failure: A Case Report and Review of Literature.. 2015. 2015
- Antiangiogenic Therapies and Extracranial Metastasis in Glioblastoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.. 2015. 2015
- Familial pancreatic cancer: the case for prophylactic pancreatectomy in lieu of serial screening and shared decision making.. 2014. 2014