publication venue for
- Long-term Pegvisomant Therapy of Acromegaly: Effects on Bone Density, Turnover and Microstructure Using HRpQCT.. 8. 2024
- Persistent Deficits in Bone Quality in Treated Acromegaly: Evidence From Assessments of Microstructure.. 7. 2023
- Ergocalciferol in New-onset Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial.. 6. 2021
- The Proteomic Signature of Recombinant Growth Hormone in Recreational Athletes.. 5. 2021
- Synergism of Checkpoint Inhibitors and Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy in the Treatment of Pituitary Carcinoma.. 5. 2021
- First Somatic PRKAR1A Defect Associated With Mosaicism for Another PRKAR1A Mutation in a Patient With Cushing Syndrome.. 5. 2021
- Volumetric Modeling of Adrenal Gland Size in Primary Bilateral Macronodular Adrenocortical Hyperplasia.. 5. 2020
- Comparison of Radiographic Approaches to Assess Treatment Response in Pituitary Adenomas: Is RECIST or RANO Good Enough?. 3. 2019
- Baseline Characteristics of Infants With Atypical Genital Development: Phenotypes, Diagnoses, and Sex of Rearing.. 3. 2018
- Is VTE Prophylaxis Necessary on Discharge for Patients Undergoing Adrenalectomy for Cushing Syndrome?. 3. 2018
- Sex Difference In the Effect of Fetal Exposure to Maternal Diabetes on Insulin Secretion.. 2. 2018
- Single-Nucleotide Variations of the Human Nuclear Hormone Receptor Genes in 60,000 Individuals.. 2. 2017
- Harvey Cushing Treated the First Known Patient With Carney Complex.. 1. 2017
- Effects of Rapid Weight Loss on Systemic and Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Metabolism in Obese Postmenopausal Women.. 1. 2017
- The Resilient Child: Sex-Steroid Hormones and COVID-19 Incidence in Pediatric Patients. 2020