publication venue for
- Optic nerve enlargement in Krabbe disease: a pathophysiologic and clinical perspective. 2011
- Angioplasty for acute stroke with pediatric moyamoya syndrome. 2010
- X-linked creatine transporter deficiency presenting as a mitochondrial disorder. 2010
- Rectal biopsy in the diagnosis of neuronal intranuclear hyaline inclusion disease. 2004
- Toxic pediatric parkinsonism: report of a child with metabolic studies and response to treatment. 2003
- Radiation myelitis in a 5-year-old girl. 2002
- Chronic renal failure presenting as proximal muscle weakness in a child. 1986
- Development and Evaluation of Computable Phenotypes in Pediatric Epilepsy:3 Cases. 2021
- Evaluation of a Care Management Program for Pediatric Epilepsy Patients.. 36. 2020
- Care Delivery for Children With Epilepsy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Survey of Clinicians.. 35. 2020
- Management of Infantile Spasms During the COVID-19 Pandemic.. 35. 2020
- Low-Grade Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 24-42 Months of Age.. 35. 2020
- Validating an Algorithm to Identify Patients With Infantile Spasms Using Medical Claims.. 33. 2018
- Secondary Conditions Among Males With Duchenne or Becker Muscular Dystrophy.. 32. 2017
- Prediction of Future Epilepsy in Neonates With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Who Received Selective Head Cooling.. 32. 2017
- Increasing Ketamine Use for Refractory Status Epilepticus in US Pediatric Hospitals.. 32. 2017
- Feasibility of Automatic Extraction of Electronic Health Data to Evaluate a Status Epilepticus Clinical Protocol.. 31. 2015
- Spinal Fusion for Scoliosis in Rett Syndrome With an Emphasis on Respiratory Failure and Opioid Usage.. 31. 2015
- Seizure occurrence following nonoptimal anticonvulsant medication management during the transition into the hospital.. 28. 2012
- Anticonvulsant medication errors in children with epilepsy during the home-to-hospital transition.. 28. 2012
- Valproic acid enhances glucose transport in the cultured brain astrocytes of glucose transporter 1 heterozygous mice.. 28. 2012
- Active comparator-controlled, rater-blinded study of corticotropin-based immunotherapies for opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome.. 27. 2012
- Use of complementary and alternative medicine by males with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy.. 27. 2011
- Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in Qatar: report of a novel mutation in ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 5 in the Arab population.. 26. 2011
- Role of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (MTHFR) 677C>T polymorphism in pediatric cerebrovascular disorders.. 26. 2011
- Muscular Dystrophy Surveillance Tracking and Research Network (MD STARnet): case definition in surveillance for childhood-onset Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy.. 25. 2010
- Use of corticosteroids in a population-based cohort of boys with duchenne and becker muscular dystrophy.. 25. 2010
- Mutation analysis in a population-based cohort of boys with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy.. 24. 2008
- Long-term outcome of symptomatic infantile spasms established by video-electroencephalography (EEG) monitoring.. 23. 2008
- Successful management of refractory neonatal seizures with midazolam.. 23. 2008
- Intrafamilial phenotypic variability in tuberous sclerosis complex.. 22. 2007
- Topiramate for the treatment of infantile spasms.. 21. 2006
- Felbamate for refractory infantile spasms.. 12. 1997
- Magnetic resonance imaging in the congenital adrenal hyperplasia population: increased frequency of white-matter abnormalities and temporal lobe atrophy.. 12. 1997
- Transplacental cocaine exposure: a mouse model demonstrating neuroanatomic and behavioral abnormalities.. 9. 1994
- Neurological Complications of Pediatric Cancer. 2015
- Pediatric Suprasellar Tumors. 2015
- Pediatric Gliomatosis Cerebri: A Review of 15 Years. 2015
- The Emerging Molecular Foundations of Pediatric Brain Tumors. 2015
- Neurooncology of familial cancer syndromes. 2009
- A Review of MD STAR net's Research Contributions to Pediatric-Onset Dystrophinopathy in the United States; 2002-2017. 2018
- Conventional and Advanced Imaging of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. 2016