publication venue for
- Electrophysiological findings in immune checkpoint inhibitor-related peripheral neuropathy.. 130. 2019
- Autonomic dysfunction in isolated rapid eye movement sleep without atonia.. 126. 2014
- Eye closure causes widespread low-frequency power increase and focal gamma attenuation in the human electrocorticogram.. 125. 2014
- Quantification of fetal magnetoencephalographic activity in low-risk fetuses using burst duration and interburst interval.. 125. 2013
- Modulation of corticomotor excitability after maximal or sustainable-rate repetitive finger movement is impaired in Parkinson's disease and is reversed by levodopa.. 125. 2013
- Loss of sleep spindle frequency deceleration in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.. 125. 2013
- A comparison of relative-frequency and threshold-hunting methods to determine stimulus intensity in transcranial magnetic stimulation.. 124. 2012
- Prolongation of the tibialis anterior CMAP duration in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.. 123. 2011
- Spinal associative stimulation: a non-invasive stimulation paradigm to modulate spinal excitability.. 122. 2011
- Determination of awareness in patients with severe brain injury using EEG power spectral analysis.. 122. 2011
- Impact of skin-subcutaneous fat layer thickness on electrical impedance myography measurements: an initial assessment.. 118. 2007
- Non-invasive detection and identification of brain activity patterns in the developing fetus.. 118. 2007
- Direct demonstration of the effects of repetitive paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation at I-wave periodicity.. 118. 2007
- Perception of comfort during transcranial DC stimulation: effect of NaCl solution concentration applied to sponge electrodes.. 118. 2007
- Electrical impedance myography: transitioning from human to animal studies.. 117. 2006
- Test-retest reproducibility of 50 kHz linear-electrical impedance myography.. 117. 2006
- Magnetoencephalography in healthy neonates.. 117. 2006
- Repetitive paired-pulse TMS at I-wave periodicity markedly increases corticospinal excitability: a new technique for modulating synaptic plasticity.. 117. 2005
- Effect of amplifier gain setting on distal motor latency in normal subjects and CTS patients.. 116. 2005
- Quantitative continuous EEG for detecting delayed cerebral ischemia in patients with poor-grade subarachnoid hemorrhage.. 115. 2004
- Seizure detection: evaluation of the Reveal algorithm.. 115. 2004
- Motor outcome after subcortical stroke correlates with the degree of cortical reorganization.. 115. 2004
- Spatial correlation of the infant and adult electroencephalogram.. 114. 2003
- Motor outcome after subcortical stroke: MEPs correlate with hand strength but not dexterity.. 113. 2002
- Power spectra and coherence in the EEG of a vegetative patient with severe asymmetric brain damage.. 111. 2000
- Corticomotor excitability and perception of effort during sustained exercise in the chronic fatigue syndrome.. 110. 1999
- A model of the effect of MEP amplitude variation on the accuracy of TMS mapping.. 110. 1999
- Physiological studies of the corticomotor projection to the hand after subcortical stroke.. 110. 1999
- Spike detection II: automatic, perception-based detection and clustering.. 110. 1999
- The various electroencephalographic features of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis - Beyond the delta brush.. 131. 2020
- Late and progressive alterations of sleep dynamics following central thalamic deep brain stimulation (CT-DBS) in chronic minimally conscious state.. 127. 2016
- Mehndi (Henna) epilepsy - A reflex epilepsy triggered by smell. 2023
- EEG during the COVID-19 pandemic: What remains the same and what is different. 2020
- Chest percussion artifact. 2006
- Mobile phone artifact. 2006
- Isolated REM sleep without atonia: The unsung hero of polysomnography.. 131. 2020
- Clinical and advanced neurophysiology in the prognostic and diagnostic evaluation of disorders of consciousness: review of an IFCN-endorsed expert group. 2020
- Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder and the link to alpha-synucleinopathies. 2018
- Spike detection: a review and comparison of algorithms. 2002
- Consensus review and considerations on TMS to treat depression: A comprehensive update endorsed by the National Network of Depression Centers, the Clinical TMS Society, and the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2024
- Review of techniques useful for the assessment of sensory small fiber neuropathies: Report from an IFCN expert group. 2022
- A practical guide to diagnostic transcranial magnetic stimulation: report of an IFCN committee. 2012