publication venue for
- Successful management of cavernosal artery pseudoaneurysm using microcoil embolization. 2017
- A pilot study of inflatable penile prosthesis placement in transgender neophallus using Tutoplast® pericardium graft sock technique.. 12. 2023
- Comparison of satisfaction with penile prosthesis implantation in patients with prostate cancer radiation therapy versus radical prostatectomy.. 12. 2023
- Prognostic effect of preoperative serum albumin to globulin ratio in patients treated with cytoreductive nephrectomy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.. 10. 2021
- Incidence and preoperative predictors for major complications following radical nephroureterectomy.. 9. 2020
- Pre-treatment estradiol does not predict testosterone response to clomiphene citrate.. 9. 2020
- Technical advancements in robotic prostatectomy: single-port extraperitoneal robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy and single-port transperineal robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy.. 9. 2020
- Vasoepididymostomy: an insight into current practice patterns.. 8. 2019
- Impact of the Ki-67 labeling index and p53 expression status on disease-free survival in pT1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladder.. 6. 2017
- Comprehensive pelvic floor physical therapy program for men with idiopathic chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a prospective study.. 6. 2017
- A Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis on the clinical utility of sperm DNA fragmentation testing in specific male infertility scenarios.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation testing: a cross sectional survey on current practices of fertility specialists.. 6. 2017
- Does the number of veins ligated during microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy impact improvement in pain post-surgery?. 6. 2017
- A case series of the safety and efficacy of testosterone replacement therapy in renal failure and kidney transplant patients.. 5. 2016
- Contemporary concepts and controversies in the diagnosis and management of urothelial carcinoma.. 5. 2016
- Premature ejaculation in type II diabetes mellitus patients: association with glycemic control.. 5. 2016
- When to ask male adolescents to provide semen sample for fertility preservation?. 3. 2014
- The panoramic view of clear cell renal cell carcinoma metabolism: values of integrated global cancer metabolomics.. 5. 2016
- Use of atezolizumab in bacillus Calmette-Guérin-unresponsive high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer.. 13. 2024
- How to deal with steroids use in the management of metastatic prostate cancer during pandemic.. 9. 2020
- Biomarkers for the prediction of oncologic outcomes in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: state of affairs and new frontiers.. 7. 2018
- Will long term oncologic follow-up make the case for robotic assisted radical cystectomy?. 7. 2018
- A single cut-off value of sperm DNA fragmentation testing does not fit all.. 6. 2017
- All-round approach in diagnosis.. 6. 2017
- An evidence-based perspective on the role of sperm chromatin integrity and sperm DNA fragmentation testing in male infertility.. 6. 2017
- Antioxidants for elevated sperm DNA fragmentation: a mini review.. 6. 2017
- Best practice statements are not intended to dictate an exclusive course of management.. 6. 2017
- Call for wider application of sperm DNA fragmentation test.. 6. 2017
- Comparison of strategies to reduce sperm DNA fragmentation in couples undergoing ICSI.. 6. 2017
- Current limitation and future perspective of sperm DNA fragmentation tests.. 6. 2017
- Despite limitations, sperm DNA fragmentation testing provides unique information complementary to but distinct from semen analysis results.. 6. 2017
- Development of targeted therapeutic strategies and refinement of sperm DNA fragmentation testing.. 6. 2017
- Development of treatment strategies in men with vulnerable sperm.. 6. 2017
- Drawbacks of the current practice.. 6. 2017
- Elucidating the clinical indications of sperm DNA fragmentation in male infertility.. 6. 2017
- Expanding our understanding of clinical laboratory testing in male infertility patients.. 6. 2017
- Expanding treatment paradigm of high sperm DNA fragmentation.. 6. 2017
- From bench to clinic.. 6. 2017
- Frontiers in clinical andrology.. 6. 2017
- Further evidence supports the clinical utility of sperm DNA fragmentation testing in male infertility workup and assisted reproductive technology.. 6. 2017
- Future direction in sperm DNA fragmentation testing.. 6. 2017
- Implication of sperm processing during assisted reproduction on sperm DNA integrity.. 6. 2017
- Insights on the predictive accuracy of the sperm DNA fragmentation tests on male infertility.. 6. 2017
- Integrating surgical and clinical andrology is essential to improve the quality of care delivered to infertile couples.. 6. 2017
- Is National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline a nice guideline?. 6. 2017
- It is high time for clinical application of sperm DNA fragmentation testing.. 6. 2017
- Live birth must be the primary reproductive endpoint in IVF/ICSI studies evaluating sperm DNA fragmentation testing.. 6. 2017
- More good than harm should be expected when Testi-ICSI is applied to oligozoospermic men with post-testicular sperm DNA fragmentation.. 6. 2017
- One of the many missing links between infertility and sperm DNA fragmentation.. 6. 2017
- Reactive oxygen species and sperm DNA fragmentation.. 6. 2017
- Restoration of fertility potential via targeted treatment approach.. 6. 2017
- Risk factors associated with sperm DNA fragmentation.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation for the evaluation of male infertility: clinical algorithms.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation in clinical practice.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation test results reflect the overall quality of the whole semen specimen.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation testing in patients with subclinical varicocele: is there any evidence?. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation testing is on the right track.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation testing is the safe and economical way to go.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation testing reveals the overall quality of a semen sample.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation: a key player in decision making.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation: a rationale for its clinical utility.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation: laboratory and clinical aspects.. 6. 2017
- Sperm DNA fragmentation: overcoming standardization obstacles.. 6. 2017
- Technical aspects of sperm DNA fragmentation testing, methods to select sperm with low DNA fragmentation, and usefulness of redox potential measurement in male infertility.. 6. 2017
- The complex nature of the sperm DNA damage process.. 6. 2017
- The correct interpretation of sperm DNA fragmentation test.. 6. 2017
- The debate on sperm DNA fragmentation test goes on.. 6. 2017
- The importance of quality control and quality assurance in SDF testing.. 6. 2017
- The missing piece in management of infertile couple-clinical andrology.. 6. 2017
- The price and value of sperm DNA fragmentation tests.. 6. 2017
- The problem of mixing 'apples and oranges' in meta-analytic studies.. 6. 2017
- The role of female factors in the management of sperm DNA fragmentation.. 6. 2017
- The value of sperm DNA fragmentation testing in real-life clinical presentations.. 6. 2017
- Understanding sperm DNA fragmentation.. 6. 2017
- Unraveling the utility and limitations of clinical practice guidelines.. 6. 2017
- Use of sperm DNA fragmentation testing and testicular sperm for intracytoplasmic sperm injection.. 6. 2017
- Trimodality therapy in variant urothelial carcinoma: choose wisely.. 6. 2017
- Liquid biopsies in bladder cancer-did we find the Holy Grail for biomarker analyses?. 5. 2016
- Building bridges in urothelial carcinoma to face common challenges.. 5. 2016
- Histology and sperm retrieval among men with Y chromosome microdeletions. 2021
- A review of the evolving landscape between the consumer Internet and men's health. 2020
- Beyond the androgen receptor: the role of growth hormone secretagogues in the modern management of body composition in hypogonadal males. 2020
- Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin for bladder cancer: are all the strains equal? 2019
- The rational and benefits of the second look transurethral resection of the bladder for T1 high grade bladder cancer. 2019
- Genetic determinants for chemo- and radiotherapy resistance in bladder cancer. 2017
- Microdissection testicular sperm extraction. 2017
- Testosterone replacement in the infertile man. 2016
- How to optimally manage elderly bladder cancer patients? 2016
- Management of muscle invasive, locally advanced and metastatic urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: a literature review with emphasis on the role of surgery. 2016
- Predictive models and prognostic factors for upper tract urothelial carcinoma: a comprehensive review of the literature. 2016
- Risk stratification for kidney sparing procedure in upper tract urothelial carcinoma. 2016
- Psychosexual therapy for delayed ejaculation based on the Sexual Tipping Point model. 2016
- Psychological aspects of Peyronie's disease. 2016
- Can lifestyle modification affect men's erectile function? 2016
- Upper urinary tract disease: what we know today and unmet needs. 2015
- Couples-based interventions following prostate cancer treatment: a narrative review. 2015
- Emotional and sexual concerns in women undergoing pelvic surgery and associated treatment for gynecologic cancer. 2015
- Androgen deficiency and metabolic syndrome in men. 2014
- Clinical and investigative applications of Raman spectroscopy in Urology and Andrology. 2014
- Clinical trials using the Shang Ring device for male circumcision in Africa: a review. 2014
- Male infertility microsurgical training. 2014
- Medical treatment of male infertility. 2014
- Microsurgical denervation of the rat spermatic cord and its connection to the diagnosis and treatment of chronic orchialgia: a bench to bedside experience. 2014
- The role of animal models in the study of varicocele. 2014
- Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion in women: techniques, outcomes, and challenges-a narrative review. 2022
- A narrative review of proteolytic targeting chimeras (PROTACs): future perspective for prostate cancer therapy. 2021
- Risk stratification for upper tract urinary carcinoma. 2020
- Effect of nitroso-redox imbalance on male reproduction. 2018
- Adjuvant radiotherapy for pathological high-risk muscle invasive bladder cancer: time to reconsider? 2016
- Female with bladder cancer: what and why is there a difference? 2016
- Lynch syndrome and exposure to aristolochic acid in upper-tract urothelial carcinoma: its clinical impact? 2016
- Penile rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy: does it work? 2015
- Translating insights of AR signaling from mouse models. 2013