publication venue for
- Role of high-resolution peripheral nerve magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing median nerve tethering in a case of both-bone forearm fracture in a child. 2020
- Ulnar focal cortical indentation: a progressive, deforming variant of focal fibrocartilaginous dysplasia. 2018
- Transient enhancement of pericardium, peritoneum, soft tissues and perhaps lymphatics after large doses of contrast administration: an overlooked phenomenon? 2011
- Pulmonary embolism developing in patients with sickle cell disease on hypertransfusion and IV deferoxamine chelation therapy. 1997
- Deferoxamine-induced platyspondyly in hypertransfused thalassemic patients. 1995
- Transtentorial herniation of the fourth ventricle. 1995
- Biliary disease in metachromatic leukodystrophy. 1983
- Pelvis radiographs in children with cerebral palsy: effects of patient positioning on calculating migration percentages.. 53. 2023
- Virtual 3D femur model to assess femoral version: comparison to the 2D axial slice approach.. 53. 2023
- Introduction to the mini-symposium on musculoskeletal imaging: "drink deep".. 53. 2023
- Assessment of lung ventilation of premature infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia at 1.5 Tesla using phase-resolved functional lung magnetic resonance imaging. 2023
- Neonatal neurosonography practices: a survey of active Society for Pediatric Radiology members. 2022
- Advanced imaging of disease unrelated to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during the pandemic: effect of patient demographics in a pediatric emergency department. 2022
- Benign longitudinal T2-hyperintense signal in the lateral cord in infancy: a cross-sectional study of spinal cord white matter maturation on magnetic resonance imaging.. 51. 2021
- Magnetic resonance imaging of medial collateral ligament avulsion fractures of the knee in children: a potentially underestimated injury.. 51. 2021
- Feasibility study of a novel portable digital radiography system modified for fluoroscopy in the neonatal intensive care unit.. 51. 2021
- Differentiating perforated from non-perforated appendicitis on contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging.. 47. 2017
- Diagnostic utility of intravenous contrast for MR imaging in pediatric appendicitis.. 47. 2017
- Posteromedial subtalar coalitions: prevalence and associated morphological alterations of the sustentaculum tali.. 46. 2016
- Effect of comfort pads and incubator design on neonatal radiography.. 46. 2015
- Imaging of spinal injury in abusive head trauma: a retrospective study.. 44. 2014
- Martin 'Dick' Wittenborg 1914-1969: a legacy.. 44. 2014
- Characteristic imaging features of desmoplastic small round cell tumour.. 43. 2012
- Visualization of the normal appendix with MR enterography in children.. 42. 2012
- Variable MR imaging appearances of focal nodular hyperplasia in pediatric cancer patients.. 41. 2010
- Skeletal imaging effects of pamidronate therapy in osteosarcoma patients.. 41. 2010
- Decreased aortic growth and middle aortic syndrome in patients with neuroblastoma after radiation therapy.. 39. 2009
- Obesity and fat quantification in lean tissues using three-point Dixon MR imaging.. 35. 2005
- MRI assessment of the posterior acetabular wall fracture in traumatic dislocation of the hip in children.. 32. 2002
- Short-term follow-up of the juvenile rheumatoid knee with fat-saturated 3D MRI.. 31. 2001
- Vertebral osteoid osteoma masquerading as a malignant bone or soft-tissue tumor on MRI.. 31. 2001
- CT imaging of splenic sequestration in sickle cell disease.. 30. 2000
- Applications of magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography to evaluate the hepatic vasculature in the pediatric patient.. 29. 1999
- Intracranial aneurysms in infants and children.. 28. 1998
- Computed radiography in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units: a comparison of 2.5 K x 2 K soft-copy images vs digital hard-copy film.. 26. 1996
- Malrotation discovered during routine radionuclide gastric emptying study.. 26. 1996
- MR marrow signs of iron overload in transfusion-dependent patients with sickle cell disease.. 25. 1995
- MRI marrow observations in thalassemia: the effects of the primary disease, transfusional therapy, and chelation.. 25. 1995
- Role of MRI in the evaluation of ambiguous genitalia.. 24. 1994
- Comparison of radiolabeled monoclonal antibody and magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of metastatic neuroblastoma in bone marrow: preliminary results.. 20. 1989
- Children with AIDS--is pathologic diagnosis possible based on chest radiographs?. 17. 1987
- Postnatal resolution of large ovarian cysts detected in utero. Report of two cases.. 17. 1987
- Undiagnosed primary tracheal stenosis in tetralogy of Fallot: complete rings with a low carina.. 44. 2013
- PET-CT scan in a patient with Kikuchi disease.. 38. 2008
- Neonatal diagnosis of an isolated sigmoid colon duplication cyst.. 33. 2003
- Perforation of a central venous catheter into the pelvis of the kidney: a rare complication.. 33. 2003
- Transient serosal enhancement mimicking pneumoperitoneum. 2013
- Paula Brill (1938-2024). 2025
- Congenital central pulmonary artery anomalies: Part 2. 2020
- Fetal neuroimaging: an update on technical advances and clinical findings. 2018
- Ultrasound guidance for difficult lumbar puncture in children: pearls and pitfalls. 2017
- Physeal injuries of the clavicle: pediatric counterparts to adult acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joint separations. 2023
- The continuous lure of pediatric radiology. 2020
- Madelung deformity and Madelung-type deformities: a review of the clinical and radiological characteristics. 2015
- Meniscal pathology in children: differences and similarities with the adult meniscus. 2014
- SQUID biosusceptometry in the measurement of hepatic iron. 2003
- Solitary myeloblastoma presenting as acute hydrocephalus: review of literature, implications for therapy. 1988