publication venue for
- What does it take for healthy food retail programmes to be successful? Lessons learned in New York City.. 27. 2024
- Residential urban food environment profiles and diet outcomes among adults in Brooklyn, New York: A cross-sectional study. 2022
- Orange juice intake and anthropometric changes in children and adolescents. 2020
- Predicting potential to benefit from an iron intervention: a randomized controlled trial of double-fortified salt in female Indian tea pluckers.. 22. 2019
- Adherence to self-monitoring healthy lifestyle behaviours through mobile phone-based ecological momentary assessments and photographic food records over 6 months in mostly ethnic minority mothers.. 21. 2017
- Examining the feasibility of implementing behavioural economics strategies that encourage home dinner vegetable intake among low-income children.. 20. 2017
- Dietary fried fish intake increases risk of CVD: the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study.. 19. 2016
- The impact of a supermarket nutrition rating system on purchases of nutritious and less nutritious foods.. 18. 2014
- Predictors of anaemia and iron deficiency in HIV-infected pregnant women in Tanzania: a potential role for vitamin D and parasitic infections.. 15. 2011
- Sodium menu labelling: priorities for research and policy. 2020